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NB 6.71 - duplicates not handled correctly

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 7:30 am
by JesseKnows

I installed NB 6.71, upgrading from 6.70 (and upgrading many times before, probably every Release launched since 4.x).
I now noticed that duplicate items are downloaded again rather than flagged and skipped. At least when the first downloaded file was renamed or deleted; I did not try with the first downloaded file still there. Such duplicates were handled correctly as recently as 6.70.
I also believe that duplicates are not shown as such in the file list.

Is the issue known? Do you need more information?



Re: NB 6.71 - duplicates not handled correctly

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 10:17 am
by Quade
I downloaded some files. Then deleted them and tried to download them again. They all failed out as duplicates. That suggests it's working here on my side. So the question remains, why doesn't it seem to work for you.

- First I'd look in the advanced options and make sure the duplicate detector is enabled.
- Make sure "Folder Dup Bypass" isn't checked.

Try to repeat the problem. Make sure you don't hit Ctrl-Y when you add the files. Pars bypass the duplicate checker so, they're not a good way to judge.

If it still doesn't work.

- In the options select "Open Data Folder"
- Close Newsbin
- Move/Rename the file "signature.db3"
- Restart Newsbin.
- Retest by downloading and deleting twice.

If that works, it suggests the signature.db3 file is damaged.

Re: NB 6.71 - duplicates not handled correctly

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:20 pm
by CoolStream
I'm finding the opposite in that the majority of nzbs I open in 7.61 are being detected as duplicates. If I force the download to bypass filters, the NEW files download without issue.

I'll send you a NZB to test, Quade.

Re: NB 6.71 - duplicates not handled correctly

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 9:37 pm
by Quade
Are you actually downloading NZB's or the contents of NZB's?

Re: NB 6.71 - duplicates not handled correctly

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:55 pm
by CoolStream
I'm loading the NZBs which I get from outside engines to get the contents listed in the NZB.

When I get the 'duplicate' error message, bypassing the filters does the trick but it's a pain when so many are failing with the same error

Re: NB 6.71 - duplicates not handled correctly

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:52 pm
by Quade
You can disable the duplicate detector in the Advanced options.

I wonder if all these files have the same prefix? While false positives are rare they can happen if all the files have the same prefix.

Re: NB 6.71 - duplicates not handled correctly

PostPosted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 1:30 pm
by JesseKnows
I tried a directed experiment - download, delete, download - and the duplicate was properly detected.
I still suspect that files downloaded before 6.71 are not detected by 6.71. But that's water under the bridge.

Thanks for the quick reply and a great product!
