Watchlist info limits question

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Watchlist info limits question

Postby Bexley » Sun Jul 24, 2016 10:51 am

Hi, I am using watchlists; I have not found any documented restrictions on number of watchlists, or other restrictions, but I think I saw an error message regarding a limit. Any further information and tips would be welcome.
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Re: Watchlist info limits question

Postby Quade » Sun Jul 24, 2016 10:57 am

There's no upper limit to header based watch lists.

Search based watch lists do have a limit. I'd have to look it up, I think it's 60.

You can use a more generic search string and then a filter profile to consolidate watch lists if you run out. Basically you search for something less specific that matches multiple things you want and then setup a filter profile with subject filters to only include the hits you want.

You could search by poster and then use the profile to filter on subject too.
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Re: Watchlist info limits question

Postby Bexley » Mon Aug 08, 2016 1:44 am

Thanks very much, on point as always. BR :D
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