Short Name File Mode doesn't work after par

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Short Name File Mode doesn't work after par

Postby Valmont » Tue Jul 12, 2016 1:45 pm

Hello beloved programmers,

Short Name File Mode doesn't really work because after the par check, the par application will auto rename it to it's original name! This renders this option less useful. In my case entirely not useful as almost all files will be subjected to a par proces. Please can you fix this?

Little bit urgent, sorryyyyyy :) but...
I need a quick fix for this really bad. Right now a lot of files are named like "001.jpg, 002.jpg, etc". Newsbin can rename it automatically but that's not useful to me either. Any quick fix available so it adds the subject to the file?

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Re: Short Name File Mode doesn't work after par

Postby Quade » Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:00 pm

You'd be better off setting an unrar path and setting it to something that's unique per set.


I believe when your image set is repaired, it gets sent to the unrar path so, it could feed all the images into this unique folder. You might need to verify this. Short filename mode is only really intended for parless sets.

I'd also set Newsbin in the performance options to not download while unrar/repairing to prevent file renames from happening out from under repair.

Alternatively you can download each set of images to a "Download to folder named for subject" too.
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Re: Short Name File Mode doesn't work after par

Postby Valmont » Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:32 pm

Quade wrote:You'd be better off setting an unrar path and setting it to something that's unique per set.


Alternatively you can download each set of images to a "Download to folder named for subject" too.

Thanks for the quick response.

I'll see if this is a workable solution. But I really welcome a "fix" - if you will - to the rename option. It should be done after a par check. Just like it does for the duplicate folder options. Even better... expand the renaming options for duplicate files by adding a subject option, r or maybe, but optional, even a "custom defined" option. I don't think making subject folders by default, especially with huge downloads and tons of "subjects", should be the default way to handle things.
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