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StorageData.db3 - almost 10GB

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2016 4:41 pm
by astrax
I have a few groups with very large StorageData.db3 files: some around 5GB, one even almost 10GB... when I want to show the posts for these groups, it really take a long time these days, to display them. Or to have header downloaded, and then display the groups. Sometimes NB not even recovering, which means I have to close and restart it: (after double clicking on a group) the "progress bar" (at least that's what I call it. The blue one, on the bottom of the group window) moves either reeeeally slow. Or it moves rather quick all across to the right, but then stays there and the group is not displayed. Or the group is displayed, but none of the actions (deleting or downloading) have any effect.
I'm suspecting the large db3-files have something to do with it (even though it wasn't that big of a deal in past versions. Using 6.70 now).

Any suggestions? Thanks!

Re: StorageData.db3 - almost 10GB

PostPosted: Mon May 23, 2016 4:56 pm
by Quade
10 gigs isn't that big.

Are you loading up the entire group every time?

What's the display age set to?

The point of the "Display Age" is to limit how much of the data you load into memory in one go. The shorter the time, the faster it'll load. StorageData isn't used when you're loading the group to look at it anyway.

Are you using "Poster Lockouts"? They slow everything down.

Re: StorageData.db3 - almost 10GB

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2016 2:45 pm
by astrax
10 gigs isn't that big.

Are you loading up the entire group every time?

TBH, I don't know what that exactly means - I double click on the group name in the groups list window to open it.

I have another question in connection (or maybe not) to this: I use the "download the latest group updates"-button, but when I open a group as mentioned above, headers get downloaded again. Why is that?

What's the display age set to?
The point of the "Display Age" is to limit how much of the data you load into memory in one go. The shorter the time, the faster it'll load. StorageData isn't used when you're loading the group to look at it anyway.

31 days.

Are you using "Poster Lockouts"? They slow everything down.

I used to add spammers to that list but haven't in a long time, since it's pretty much futile. So I could probably delete all of them, to see if it makes any difference.

Re: StorageData.db3 - almost 10GB

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2016 5:02 pm
by Quade
I have another question in connection (or maybe not) to this: I use the "download the latest group updates"-button, but when I open a group as mentioned above, headers get downloaded again. Why is that?

Because you're adding a second unnecessary step. If you just double-click the group it'll load and update. If you update then double-click, if just means it'll download new headers since the last update, which might be none.

Re: StorageData.db3 - almost 10GB

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2016 6:11 am
by astrax
Excuse my ignorance, but what's the reason/use for the button then?

Re: StorageData.db3 - almost 10GB

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2016 7:41 am
by Quade
Excuse my ignorance, but what's the reason/use for the button then?

You can use it any way you want.

Sometimes I want to download headers but don't look at them till later. Sometimes I just want to double-click the group and have both steps happen at once. There's no real downside to update, then double-clicking because Newsbin will just download the headers it doesn't have yet. Meaning if you've already got all the headers, the second double-click step is just a check.

I just suggested something I thought was more efficient. You can run it in any way that makes you happy. I just want to clarify that no extra headers are downloaded if you download headers twice in short order.

Re: StorageData.db3 - almost 10GB

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2016 7:20 am
by astrax
OK, got it.