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Properties window fails to appear

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2016 11:38 am
by djh1
Version 6.70: 00 F8 C8 2E 38 CA

Properties window fails to open for any selected item in search results window. (Right Click on a selected item in search result > Options Windows > Properties = nothing)
I did a fresh install for the 6.70 version.

This was happening in earlier 6.7 betas too. I upgraded from version 6.53: 00 EF C8 2E 38 CA before having same issue with any 6.70 beta versions that I tried
and reverted back after issue appeared.

Is there a control switch in 6.7 that now requires turning on/off in the options window for this function or is it a bug?

Newsbin is still the best new reader in the world!

p.s. Are you still considering a white list for authors?

Re: Properties window fails to appear

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2016 12:17 pm
by Quade
1 - Looks broken.

2 - You can white list authors with the new filter profiles. White listing is actually the best way to filter the groups these days. Poster lockouts are ineffective.

Keep in mind it's a regular expression so, you might want to simplify the actual poster Like I have a poster whitelist for "Robo"