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Cache filling up

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 2:36 pm
by Valmont
Version: 6.62: 00 06 57 92 51 E2

Hi, I have my cache cranked up to 3000. What I don't understand is that despite low activity of my HDD's, it kinda fills up. Now it's lingering at around 783/3000. When does the cache unwind as my downloads go to my SSD, so repairing goes there or in memory, and unpacking goes to a Western Digital Black HDD (black = fast version). Also the HDD activity led isn't much active, so that's not a bottleneck at all. Therefore my instict would be that the cache has a chance to unwind and go back to 3000 or something close to that.

What am I missing here? Why does fill up instead? Now my Cache status jumps between (600/800) of 3000 for apparently no justified reason.

Edit: what the heck, when I check for my NB version for this thread, the cache was reset to nearly 3000 again.


Re: Cache filling up

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 4:46 pm
by Quade
Therefore my instict would be that the cache has a chance to unwind and go back to 3000 or something close to that.

The cache doesn't flush till it has to. So the fact it's not going back to 3000 doesn't mean much. It's probably incomplete files leaving some chunks behind. They end up getting flushed out by new data eventually anyway.

Re: Cache filling up

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:06 am
by Valmont
Quade wrote:
Therefore my instict would be that the cache has a chance to unwind and go back to 3000 or something close to that.

The cache doesn't flush till it has to. So the fact it's not going back to 3000 doesn't mean much. It's probably incomplete files leaving some chunks behind. They end up getting flushed out by new data eventually anyway.

Fair enough. By why does it think it "has to" when I check my Newsbin version? it flushed entirely.

Re: Cache filling up

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 1:03 pm
by Quade
"Help/About" forces a flush. It's a trouble-shooting tool. If you get all 3000 back then there are no leaks. if you don't, there's a cache leak.

The version is listed on the titlebar too.

Re: Cache filling up

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:11 pm
by Valmont
Quade wrote:"Help/About" forces a flush. It's a trouble-shooting tool. If you get all 3000 back then there are no leaks. if you don't, there's a cache leak.

The version is listed on the titlebar too.

Ok thanks.