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Sonarr renaming directory

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:04 am
by enchant
No, this is not the same problem that we talked about in another thread.

I've been playing some with Sonarr, and there's something slightly different that I can't figure out.

I've got my initial download directory and my final destination directory. So Newsbin downloads the rars to one location, unrars them into a subdirectory, and then Sonarr moves them to their final destination. The problem is that I can't change that final destination. According to some docs I see online, Sonarr gets this final destination from the client newsreader. Within Newsbin, in Settings/Setup, I changed the UnRAR Folder to something different. This change worked right away in that if I search within Newsbin for a show and manually download it from there, Newsbin puts it into the newly configured directory. However, when Sonarr does the work, it's still putting it into the old directory.

I searched through all of Newsbin's config screens and couldn't find anything to change. I tried opening \Program Files\Newsbin\Newsbin.nbi, and under [AUTORAR], I found that "UnRARPath" was set correctly to the new directory, but "DecodePath" was still the old one. I thought I'd found my answer. I shut down Newsbin, made the change in the .nbi file, fired up Newsbin and tried grabbing a show with Sonarr. It still moved it to the old directory. I completely restarted my PC, but still it moves files to the old directory. Is the Sonarr documentation lying about getting this directory from Newsbin? If not, how is Newsbin retaining this old directory and can I change it?

Re: Sonarr renaming directory

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 11:31 am
by Quade
and then Sonarr moves them to their final destination. The problem is that I can't change that final destination.

1 - Looks to me like you set the final destination folder in the "Series" settings. So it's per series.

2 - Looks to me like you can change the format of the saved filenames in the "Media Mangement" options.

Re: Sonarr renaming directory

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:04 pm
by enchant
Quade wrote:1 - Looks to me like you set the final destination folder in the "Series" settings. So it's per series.

You're RIGHT! It IS in there.

2 - Looks to me like you can change the format of the saved filenames in the "Media Mangement" options.

At first glance, I don't see anything in Media Management where I can select the destination folder, but I'll keep looking around.


Re: Sonarr renaming directory

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:08 pm
by enchant
Ok, it appears that once you add a new series within Sonarr, you specify the destination directory. Somehow, it simply remembers what you did last time and uses that as the default, allowing you to change it on new series you add. Changing all of my existing series is a but of a pain, but it's a one time thing, so I'll just do that.

Re: Sonarr renaming directory

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:13 pm
by enchant
Found it! Well, actually got pointed to it. On the Sonarr series page, you click on "Series editor", check all, and then change Root Folder at the bottom.

Re: Sonarr renaming directory

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 1:16 pm
by Quade
At first glance, I don't see anything in Media Management where I can select the destination folder, but I'll keep looking around.

I said "format" not location. Like you can control what the final filename looks like.

Re: Sonarr renaming directory

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 1:33 pm
by enchant
Yes, you can change the format of the name itself, but not where it's located (moved to). I was briefly excited that you could change the location within the series editor, but they won't let you save any two series in the same location. No idea why this is, but someone asked before, and a developer said they've got no plans to change that.