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New Headers Not Displaying

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 6:15 pm
by GATeets
Having a problem with new headers not displaying; they seem to be downloading, but when I open tab to display new headers, there is nothing there. Only seems to be effecting video groups (ex.: a.b.teevee). The last file in my queue that I know came from Newsbin's header downloads (as opposed to an nzb from an indexer) was dated 13 days ago; no new headers since then. I checked, so I know that there have been new posts. I am downloading through a VPN, so my ISP shouldn't be able to filter the data coming in. Any suggestions?? Will also be checking with UsenetServer to see if the problem might be on their end.

EDIT: Checked PC firewalls; Newsbin is allowed through both without limitation.

Re: New Headers Not Displaying

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:00 pm
by Quade
What security software do you use?

1 - In the server advance options disable "XFeatures" then restart.

2 - Pick this group, right click and "Use Download Age"

3 - Set the download age to 10 days.

4 - Download headers normally and see what happens.

Kaspersky trashes compressed header downloads using XFeatures. I wonder if that's your issue?

If that doesn't work, we can try some other things.

Re: New Headers Not Displaying

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:12 pm
by GATeets
AVG Antivirus, Comodo Firewall and Windows Firewall.

Disabled XFeatures, this alone didn't correct problem. Before I follow the rest of your instructions, I have one question: will "Use Download Age" delete the older headers that are already downloaded in my Newsbin Configuration folder? If yes,I will make backup copies of files.

Re: New Headers Not Displaying

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 12:37 am
by Quade
I have one question: will "Use Download Age" delete the older headers that are already downloaded in my Newsbin Configuration folder? If yes,I will make backup copies

It doesn't delete them. It just forces Newsbin to re-download the last "Download Age" worth of headers.

Are you in the UK? I've had 2 reports of weird connectivity problems between some UK ISP's and the Giganews and Gigananews resellers.

Re: New Headers Not Displaying

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 1:54 pm
by GATeets
I followed the rest of your instructions; no joy. :(

For reference, I did the same thing for another GOG; turns out I was wrong: I'm not getting new headers for the other groups, either.

EDIT: Newsbin is showing that the headers ARE downloading, they are just not being displayed

Re: New Headers Not Displaying

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 2:37 pm
by Quade
In the options select "Open Data Folder" then enter the "Import" folder. See what's in there.

Then I'd delete all these GZ files. If you can't get them all, exit Newsbin and then kill them. Then restart Newsbin and do the "Download Age" thing again.

I'm guessing at this point that the import of new headers has stalled out because of a corrupt GZ file. You can see the import status down at the "Cache" line of the status bar. The number in parens represents the number of GZ's waiting to import.

If that doesn't work, I'd right click one group, select "Post Storage/Delete Stored Posts" and then try again.

Re: New Headers Not Displaying

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 4:32 pm
by GATeets
That seems to have corrected the problem. Thank you very much for your assistance.