Newsbin 6.62 Build 4358 Download list behavior

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

Newsbin 6.62 Build 4358 Download list behavior

Postby franken007 » Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:19 am

When I add items to the Download list, only the current item downloading will display a size and so the "size of the data waiting to download" does not list all the other items I've queued up. This is different from the behavior of older versions of Newsbin where you can see the total size of all items queued up (to plan on making enough disk space). Or is there an option I'm missing? The only way I can get it to reflect accurately is to bump all the other queued items to the top above the current downloading one and then all sizes are calculated (where they were set to zero prior) and then I can bump them back down again.
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Re: Newsbin 6.62 Build 4358 Download list behavior

Postby Quade » Tue Feb 23, 2016 10:30 am

The download list items don't actually totally load till the download is going so, some of the download list items only have partial data. It's a RAM saving option brought on by some people having massive download list ( multiple TB's of downloads queued up).

That said, in the next 6.70 beta, I fully load items you added in this download session and only the historical items get "demand loaded". So your particular issue will probably go away.
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