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Remote control

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 10:11 am
by neofit

I am using NB 6.62B3. For some reason my forum account does not have access to the "Remote Control" forum here (is this normal, is it some kind of super secret forum?). I can't find anything about the feature in the docs, so here goes.

I enable Remote Control in Settings, and when trying to connect from a browser to http://localhost:118 from the same machine it is running on as a first test, I get:

200 Newsbin Server 6.62B3
400 Command not Recognized
400 Command not Recognized
400 Command not Recognized
400 Command not Recognized
400 Command not Recognized
400 Command not Recognized
400 Command not Recognized

Maybe a browser is not the proper interface for this feature, and only usable from some external program? I actually do want to use this feature from my smartphone, but it seems that the NBRemote free or pay-for for Android is not on Google Play anymore, and I can't seem to find a replacement. What am I missing ? (besides an iphone, I'm not going there )

Re: Remote control

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 3:30 am
by neofit
It didn't fix itself by magic and moving to v6.60 release didn't change a thing either. Apparently it's been this way for quite some time. How about an answer from the powers that be? Thanks.

Re: Remote control

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 4:19 am
by Quade
Sorry, thought I answered. It's not a web interface. It's a custom command interface.

I'll have to dig up the link. I believe it's described here in the forum and on sourceforge. I'll have to get the link from Dex.

I'm actually in going to be re-doing it to use JSON to return results. The current interface is a bit too inflexible.

Re: Remote control

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 7:07 am
by neofit
Thanks for the reply.

I cannot find the NBRemote client for Android on Google Play. Since it's abandonware I tried getting the apk from a thirs party site, but I got something [censored] instead. This help page links to an apk in this thread, but for some reason I do not have access to the latter forum. Can we get a link to the apk that we can reach please?

Failing this, I see an NBRemote for iOs in the app store for 3€. I don't mind paying that for that service (I'd rather pay that for the Android version though), and since it is still available in the Apple Store I suppose that it still works. But you said you would rework the interface, does that mean that you will be changing the current one so that it might possibly break NBRemote, or that you will be adding the new feature on another port? I wouldn't want to buy that thing for it to stop working with the next NB update :).

Edit2: yay, finally found where to enter my registration info :)

Re: Remote control

PostPosted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:53 am
by neofit
Even after adding my NB serial to my account I still cannot see the topics in the Remote Control forum, nor the Android Development one. Is my account "broken" or does one need to be part of a special group?

Re: Remote control

PostPosted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 10:07 am
by Quade
'll have to ask Dex to look into it.

Re: Remote control

PostPosted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 2:31 pm
by dexter
neofit wrote:Even after adding my NB serial to my account I still cannot see the topics in the Remote Control forum, nor the Android Development one. Is my account "broken" or does one need to be part of a special group?

Odd, your permissions didn't get set up correctly for some reason. I granted access to those forums so you should be set now. Let me know if you are still getting blocked anywhere else.

Re: Remote control

PostPosted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 2:47 pm
by neofit
I have access now, thanks.