Version 6.62 Issues

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Version 6.62 Issues

Postby Murg » Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:35 pm

I've just installed 6.62, trying to see if some 6.61 issues have been fixed.

Here are the outstanding issues:

When Showing a Group, Newsbin refreshes all the latest headers for that group. This is annoying in general, as I haven't told Newsbin to do so and it then displays the existing posts in the requested sort order and then loads the newly refreshed ones at the bottom. This is especially annoying when I'm doing a Show Posts Special, in which case I get a combination of old posts and new ones. This has been happening for a number of releases.

Mark Posts Old: Newsbin is not reliably marking posts old. This seems to happen more when headers are refreshed during the same day, regardless if Newsbin is left running or exited and restarted.

Filters: I cannot create a filter that starts with a number through the GUI. However, I can change an existing filter to start with a number in the config file.

Filters: Can we please filter on Poster. There are some prolific spam posters that I'd like to filter on so that I can delete the posts. Dirty Rotten Spammers is not an option in this case.

I've asked this before, but what is the criteria for assigning the icon with a post. I get a lot of weird icons, and have no idea how they are getting assigned. Especially the 'Post/File is Filtered' one. Filtered by what?
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Re: Version 6.62 Issues

Postby Quade » Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:40 pm

6.70 is in beta. It has poster filtering.

When Showing a Group...

I don't know what you mean here. Sounds to me like you might still have headers being imported. Imported headers are always shown.

Filters: I cannot create a filter that starts with a number through the GUI. However, I can change an existing filter to start with a number in the config file.

Not sure I consider this a problem.
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Re: Version 6.62 Issues

Postby Murg » Mon Feb 22, 2016 10:58 pm

Thanks in the Poster Filtering, I'll await the release.

On Showing a Group: The downloading of the headers has finished, sometimes by minutes. In the case of Show Posts Special, there should be no headers being downloaded. Displaying a group's posts page is definitely kicking off a new Dowload the Latest Group Updates for that group (or group of groups).

Regarding posts not being tagged as Old: It seems that posts are more likely to be tagged as Old if you click the top menu's Download the Latest Group Updates button than if you double click on the group in the groups menu. This is an general observation, and not necessarily causal.
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Re: Version 6.62 Issues

Postby Murg » Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:42 pm

More info on automatic refreshing the groups when displaying the group's post tab:

On all of the groups being loaded and exhibiting this behaviour, the 'Automatic Download' checkbox is cleared on the group's properties dialog box.

If using Show Posts special, if the last day of the period is today, then the refresh happens. If the last day is in the past, the refresh doesn't happen.
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Re: Version 6.62 Issues

Postby Quade » Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:45 am

6.62 is pretty close to being superseded. You might want to try it with 6.70.
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Re: Version 6.62 Issues

Postby Murg » Fri May 13, 2016 8:23 pm

The issue with clicking on the group to display it, then having the group download latest headers (despite having the checkbox off) is happening in 6.70.
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Re: Version 6.62 Issues

Postby Quade » Fri May 13, 2016 11:57 pm

That's how it's supposed to work. It you double-click on the topic, it won't download headers. If you double-click on the group itself, it will.

The checkboxes only control when groups of groups get updated. Like hitting the "Update All" button or double-clicking a group of groups.
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