Download failed

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Download failed

Postby Beemer2 » Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:57 am

Today I had download failures with an error message that I have never before seen.

Download Failed: File has been removed by the local filter profile

This download is from a flac group and the only filter I ever use is include "flac" and "yEnc" extensions which has always worked

All failed files end .flac yEnc

Newsbin 6.62 build 4358

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Re: Download failed

Postby Quade » Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:36 pm

Without knowing what's in your filters it's hard to guess. It says it's failing them because you have a filter set and the filter is assigned to this download.

You really don't want "yenc" in the filename filters.

"Yenc" isn't a file extension. It's just an identification of how the file was encoded. I wouldn't filter for it unless you really only want yEnc encoded files.

How are you downloading? Headers, Search or NZB Files?
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Re: Download failed

Postby Beemer2 » Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:40 pm

Downloading headers. Hundreds of flac files downloaded recently with no failures using the same filter setting. I'l remove the yEnc and try the same files again.


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Re: Download failed

Postby Beemer2 » Fri Feb 05, 2016 12:51 pm

Sorry my accept filter has "flac and ".flac" there is no yEnc

Tried again but these same files produce the same message


2 days old

24 Files are Hayden - Early Symphonies

Only Symphony 35,38,39,41,52,and 58 downloaded.

The rest produced the error

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Re: Download failed

Postby Quade » Fri Feb 05, 2016 1:52 pm

What kind of filters are they? Subject or Filename?

Ok I figured out what's up. If you notice the failed files, they all have embedded quotes.

"bla bla bla "something" bla bla.flac"

The embedded quotes make it an illegal filename but beyond that when Newsbin tries to make them legal, they lose the extension which is why the symptom is that they're getting filtered out. The real problem is the embedded quotes. I'm looking to see what I can do about it.
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Re: Download failed

Postby Beemer2 » Sat Feb 06, 2016 8:03 am

The filter was for subject. Good that you have seen the same effect,


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Re: Download failed

Postby Quade » Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:16 am

Yeah I fixed it. You should be able to force them to download and then quickpar should rename them to the real name.
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Re: Download failed

Postby Beemer2 » Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:03 am

Nos 26 and 44 still produce the error

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Re: Download failed

Postby Quade » Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:48 pm

Nos 26 and 44 still produce the error

You understand when I say I "fixed it" I mean in the code I have here. Until you get the new version it won't be fixed for you. You might try unpausing all the PARS and see if quickpar can re-constitute the missing files.
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Re: Download failed

Postby Beemer2 » Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:11 pm

Okay understood and await fix. Just so you are aware I now see many more of the same error in other groups. I note that these header names contain "-" and "_" characters

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Re: Download failed

Postby Quade » Sun Feb 07, 2016 1:38 pm

Just so you are aware I now see many more of the same error in other groups. I note that these header names contain "-" and "_" characters

Those are legal filename characters. Specifically the only thing wrong with these files is the embedded quote. Even the PAR files will rename these files without the quotes because they are illegal filenames. Essentially they were posted wrong.

I'm not aware of any other problems downloading other than this. I'm not having any issue downloading.

If you want to PM me some examples I'll look at them. I'd rather you not post it here, in public.
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