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'Read post body' glitch

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 8:06 am
by varfick
Just encountered the most wonderous thing in my NB experience.
I selected a text-only post that, pressed Ctrl+R, read it and closed the notepad.
Then selected a couple of dozen files, pressed Enter to download and voilĂ , got a bonus set of twenty notepad windows opening again =)
It's nothing serious and I do not use RPB function more than twice a month. The files downloaded OK.

Best regards and Happy New Year!

Oops! forgot to mention: NBPro 6.62 b4358

Experiment continued: downloaded one 18-volume rar (parts01-18) and got 20 notepads, downloaded 26-volume rar - got 28 notepads.
After I deleted the body file from "AppData\Local\Newsbin\Read Posts" the notepads stopped opening together with unrelated downloads.

Re: 'Read post body' glitch

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:23 am
by Quade
That's interesting. I've not seen that.

Trying to figure out how to reproduce it. I use RPB all the time. Where did the RARS download to?

Re: 'Read post body' glitch

PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:31 am
by varfick
Quade wrote:That's interesting. I've not seen that.

Trying to figure out how to reproduce it. I use RPB all the time. Where did the RARS download to?

It's all set up on the same drive with "standard" paths: chunks, Import, Read Posts in {userprofile}\AppData\Local\Newsbin, parts downloaded and assembled in {userprofile}\Documents\Newsbin.