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Disapearing Download

PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 10:46 pm
by Name Goes Here
I created an nzb of several files. Newsbin show that I already downloaded one of them, which is possible, but it is not on my computer, so I want to download it again. To download it I need to use the bypass filters option, otherwise Newsbin won't dl it. Despite using the bypass filters option, and seeing a progress bar for the dl, the file never shows up in the default folder. I downloaded it 15 or twenty times, and each time I see a progress bar and apparent completion of the dl, but the file never shows up on my computer. What is going on?

Re: Disapearing Download

PostPosted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 1:23 am
by Quade
It doesn't show up in the files list? You might want to see if your virus scanner is snatching the files away.