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Update installer asking for my server name?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:30 pm
by theFATboy
Windows 10 Pro 64bit | Newsbin v6.60RC4 - Build 4152

When I run the upgrade process the installer asks for my server name as if this is a new installation. I don't go any farther because I don't want to overwrite my current configuration setup. I don't remember NB asking for the server name on any other update - Help Appreciated, Bob

Re: Update installer asking for my server name?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:39 am
by dexter
Did you upgrade to Win10 since you last installed Newsbin? If so, it will have lost the markers it uses to determine if this is a new install or not. This is what I suggest:

1) Find your current newsbin.nbi configuration file and make a copy of it (Options -> Settings, Open Data Folder to find it)
2) Run the installer and allow a clean install. Input your current data folder location if it is not the default (whatever folder was opened in step 1)
3) Do not launch Newsbin after the installer completes
4) Copy your saved newsbin.nbi file over the newsbin.nbi placed by the installer
5) Double-click your original newsbin.nbi file to launch Newsbin using that configuration.

You should be set after that. All your existing configuration and data will still be in use.

Re: Update installer asking for my server name?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 12:45 pm
by theFATboy
Thank you Dexter, that worked! And Happy Holidays to y'all - Best, Bob