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Restoring ,nbi file from GuiItems.db3

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 5:53 pm
by tuxlie
I had to do a manual reset of my PC and Newsbin unexpectedly exited

I have lost all the settings in my newsbin.nbi file - list of groups, data path, servers, everything. I opened it in notepad and it is blank. I can think of no way of restoring it. Load back up configuration upon restart doesn't work as it only looks for .nbi files.

I read that the GuiItems.db3 file stores old copies of the .nbi file in a compressed and encrypted form. I can restore a version of that pre-resetting my pc. I tried right clicking it and "open with" Newsbin but that didn't work
I then opened it with sqlite3.exe but I don't really know what I'm doing. I tried the ".dump" command but it was just gobbledygook

Can you please explain (in easy steps !) how to restore my .nbi file from the GuiItems.db3 file

Thanks for taking the time to read this

Re: Restoring ,nbi file from GuiItems.db3

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 7:12 pm
by Quade
Start Newsbin, Options menu "Load Backup Configuration on Restart". Then restart. You should then be given a listing of any NBI's found in the GuiItems.db3. Save the NBI file.

At that point the NBI file should load into Newsbin.

It's always a good idea to maintain a backup copy of the NBI file.

If the current guiitems is empty, you could try to restore an older one from your backup.

Re: Restoring ,nbi file from GuiItems.db3

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:23 pm
by tuxlie
How many copy of the nbi file does it store ?
I restored a copy from a back up made a week ago

When I try the load back up configuration on restart the pop up window is empty. It gives me no choices. Is there a way to browse to the db file ?

Re: Restoring ,nbi file from GuiItems.db3

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:08 pm
by Quade
If you can extract the blobs you can. The data is just GZ compressed.

If it's not finding any, it suggests it's not in the correct folder. You might want to see how many GUI Items you have in the C:\Users\ folder.