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Remove post from download list

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:22 pm
by malhusky
Just a small bug...I removed a post from the downloading list and it left the file checked in the group list. It did not get downloaded however. I'm using the latest release.

Also, It would be nice if we could go back to the earlier version where we could right click and remove posts from the group list rather than have to go down to the downloading tab. Not a real problem. For me it was usually just more convenient. I suppose being able to do it in either tab would be optimum.

Re: Remove post from download list

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:56 pm
by Quade
Also, It would be nice if we could go back to the earlier version where we could right click and remove posts from the group list rather than have to go down to the downloading tab. Not a real problem. For me it was usually just more convenient. I suppose being able to do it in either tab would be optimum.

This'll probably might make a comeback in the next version. It was unreliable in prior versions.

I'm aware of the check mark thing. Thanks.