Header updates and the Import Folder

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Header updates and the Import Folder

Postby GrouchoBarx » Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:03 pm

I am having some minor issues with headers updating. I have read a bunch of posts here that have helped. But Quade (I think) talked about .GZ files in the import folder, and I have either files with no extension or .txt files.

I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more about the import folder and the files inside of it.

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Re: Header updates and the Import Folder

Postby Quade » Wed Sep 23, 2015 12:00 am

Versions prior 6.60 and versions newer than 6.60 use .GZ files. 6.60 uses TXT files. Using TXT reduced CPU loads but increased disk space needed. People wanted it to use less disk space so it's back to GZ files again (newsbin 6.60 and newer can read either format).

Files with no extension can just be deleted. If you can't delete them, it means they're being actively written to by Newsbin. They indicate a failed header download. Newsbin will have restarted that download to finish it.
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Re: Header updates and the Import Folder

Postby GrouchoBarx » Wed Sep 23, 2015 6:09 pm

Thanks for the info.

I moved some of the .txt files to a folder named "Import - Hold" to play around a bit. I was having some difficulties updating some groups, and after reading a couple of threads regarding the Import folder, I decided to turn off automatic updates and update a few groups at a time.

I have since run a manual update of latest group updates, but I hadn't finished with all of the previous updates (in "Import - Hold").

Can I move those .txt files back into the Import folder without causing any damage? When I ran the manual update of all groups, is it likely to have caught everything up, or will I be missing the headers from the "Import - Hold" directory.

Thanks again for your help. You always get me up and running again! :D
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Re: Header updates and the Import Folder

Postby Quade » Wed Sep 23, 2015 6:27 pm

Yeah, you can move the files in and out with no issue. If you can't move them, that means Newsbin is currently processing them.
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Re: Header updates and the Import Folder

Postby nrbovee » Sat Nov 14, 2015 12:28 pm

It appears the unzipping is very slow and only seems to do one file at a time, compared to when I manually unzip the files. Is it possible for me to unzip then move to import file? I have over 20K of files that got stuck over time. If I do unzip and move, should I rename and add a .txt extension or is dumping them as is OK?
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