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how do I change data folder location?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 2:54 am
by drumtrucker
there should be/could be a button in settings next to OPEN DATA FOLDER to change its location... maybe
how the heck do I change it? stupidly set to desktop and cannot find how to change it

Once again... post question THEN find answer. am trying MOVE DATA LOCATION ON RESTART NOW


Re: how do I change data folder location?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 3:02 am
by drumtrucker
ok, so how the heck do I change the data folder location... tried the change on restart. Nothing changes or offers to change. I love NB until I upgrade. Always a PITA

Re: how do I change data folder location?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:22 am
by Quade
Easiest way is to:

1 - Move the data folder to a new location.

2 - Using Wordpad, edit the NBI file (which I hope is in the data folder) changing all the paths to match the new data folder location (should just be one path but it depends on your setup). This is a good time to make a backup copy of the NBI file too.

3 - Double-click the NBI in the new location to register it with Newsbin.

This won't actually work with 6.60 but will with the 6.61 beta and prior versions. If you're not running the current beta. I'd install it first before doing this.