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Header download and pause before quit

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 5:04 pm
by GrouchoBarx

I am having 2 problems.

1. I had a crash while downloading headers in a group. When I try to download latest, I get the same number of headers as when I download all. If I try downloading a portion of the headers and halt the header download, when I try download latest, I get the same number of headers again.

I am having a memory related issue on my computer, and when I try to download more than (roughly) 5,000,000 in a group either the program or my computer crash. I know that *this* is my hardware issue, but I'd like to downlaod the headers picemeal so I can look for some older articles.

2. Most of the time, when I click the close gadget (upper right hand corner) Newsbin pauses. I can un-pause and then shut down the program. Is there a setting, or is this a weird behavior? It's not a problem like my first issue, but I thought I'd ask.

Re: Header download and pause before quit

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 6:58 pm
by Quade
Likely you have corrupt DB files. Probably from the crashing. A re-install from scratch might be the best idea.

It's hard to keep things reliable if you have hardware problems. Downloading headers doesn't consume much RAM so, if you download them but keep the post tabs closed, you probably won't use much ram.