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Harddrive died. Now Newsbin loads all files everytime

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 6:21 pm
by mesadude
Hi Quade. I had my external drive fail, which was the file system for Newsbin. I replaced it, and can't get the visual setup I had back. So I just hit the reset defaults.
I hit download the group updates, and it ran all day as the groups were being fully populated.
Now, when I fire her up, and hit Download the latest Group updates, it repopulates all files every time. What I want it to do is populate only the latest files since my last visit. I thought I had it set for that, but Newsbin wants to update ALL files again.

Any clue?

Re: Harddrive died. Now Newsbin loads all files everytime

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:33 pm
by Quade
Did it actually finish last time? How about selecting all the groups, right click "Post Storage/Use Download Age" then set a short download age. Like 2 days. Then hit the Refresh the groups button and see how many it downloads.

Re: Harddrive died. Now Newsbin loads all files everytime

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 5:49 pm
by mesadude
Hi Quade. Thanks. Yes, that's much more manageable.