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Very slow (or no) header display & slow or no row sort

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 12:53 pm
by rochlin
RE v6.60 b4163 64 on Win7x64 latest patch.

This is new with 6.6 since I've been loading headers from the same collection of groups every morning forever without this problem.
When the headers finish downloading, they are pretty slow to display. There are only 2093 visible headers this morning - displaying with only hte "hide old" filter active. But it takes (I didn't time it) about a minute for the headers to populate in the window. They are unsorted. To sort I either click on Size or enable a Global Filter (just an empty filter) which makes it sort on the last sort I used. But now when I click on size, for example, nothing seems to happen.
After a pretty long wait (again - a minute?) the headers will come up sorted.

Also (this is with no filter enabled - not even the empty global filter), the Group list table shows 3719 new files, but the display with Hide Old enabled, the tab for that group list header display shows (2093) next to the group list name. I see in the forums some people say headers are missing. I don't know about that. There are a lot fewer postings, but I assumed that was the changing nature of the groups.

For reference, there are 46,660 headers in the group when I view All Posts with no filters.

Re: Very slow (or no) header display & slow or no row sort

PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 4:31 pm
by Quade
The counts are just total counts after the new headers are added.

6.60 doesn't use compressed headers, 6.61 does. You might want to give the beta a try.