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$(GROUP) return the Parent Folder

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:30 pm
by scottstarr
I just upgraded to 6.60 Build 4163

My Groups are organized in to Parent Groups, example "a.b.mygroup" is in parent group "Unsorted"

My download path is "F:/Agent/$(GROUP)?"

If I download a file it saves to disk in directory "F:/Agent/Unsorted", on the prior version it would save to directory "F:/Agent/a.b.mygroup"

Using either Download path "F:/Agent/$(GROUP)/", or "F:/Agent/$(GOG)/" produces the same result.

Shouldn't $(GOG) return "Unsorted"
and $(GROUP} return "a.b.mygroup" because the file I'm downloading is in the giganews post group "a.b.mygroup"

PS. I'm viewing headers using the parent group, and not the individual sub-groups

Re: $(GROUP) return the Parent Folder

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:03 pm
by Quade
That's the way I intend it to work to be honest. If you load the parent it saves to the parent folder.

I'll think about it and look at my notes. I believe I changed it so the watch lists would follow watch list naming.

Re: $(GROUP) return the Parent Folder

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 3:03 pm
by goober22

I have the same complaint here. I have a main download folder that I put ALL my downloads in (wallpapers, drivers, photos, device backups, books, etc.). Sorted into their own folders. In that main folder I have an NZB folder that puts the downloads from NZBs into a folder named for the group (a.b.test), and then by release name (My.Vacation.Pics). I find this handy if a post is damaged in one group, I can look for one in another group.

Now all gets dumped into just one folder and the filters are ignored. I see where you say it was changed for possible watch list usage. I don't use any watch lists however so it's a step back for me. I rolled back to an older version.

Can you add a way to select that feature if needed? Or maybe add a way to turn it off for folks that don't need it? Thanks.

Re: $(GROUP) return the Parent Folder

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 7:31 am
by tuxlie
I have the same problem. Something downloaded from a watch group now goes into a folder named for the relevant watch topic, whereas before it went into a folder marked for the group of groups the post originated from (which is what I prefer)

Is there some way to toggle this on/off

Re: $(GROUP) return the Parent Folder

PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:41 pm
by randseed
I first noticed this problem in 6.60 and it continues is 6.61. If I have a GOG (Group Of Groups) called "A", and it contains individual newsgroups "1", "2", and "3". I want the folder "A" on my hard drive to be empty except for sub folders "1", "2", and "3". What I get instead is folder "A" with sub folder also named "A", and ALL the files of "1", "2", and "3" are jumbled together inside it.

My specific environment variable is : "I:\Usenet\$(GOG)\$(GROUP)\". What I actually see on my drive is: "I:\Usenet\$(GOG)\$(GOG)\" with all the files in that second $GOG folder. The actual newsgroup names are lost.

If, however, I download individual newsgroups "1", "2", and "3" explicitly, the names of the newsgroups are retained.