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Auto-mode failure

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 3:45 pm
by ZTimeZ
Hi again, I tried posting this hours ago. I don't know how long it takes to have a post put in the forums, but I'll try again just in case it failed to go through. I've been using the "Auto-Mode" feature for years now. It has worked well. Now it doesn't. I've tried going back to 6.54. I've uninstalled Newsbin completely and reinstalled it using 6.54. I've done all I know to do, and yet nothing about Auto-Mode works any longer. Please tell me why. I tried using those "Watch Lists" in 6.60 and they failed miserably as well. I have been using filters to download only what I've wanted for years using auto-mode without having to be in front of my computer at all times. Now apparently that option is gone. Can you offer any ideas to solutions or explanations?

Re: Auto-mode failure

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:48 pm
by Quade
Hi again, I tried posting this hours ago.

Sorry about that. I was deleting spam and I deleted you by mistake.

I use automode with watch lists all the time. Automatic download mode should work too. I'll give it a try and get back to you.