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Show header and various other quirks

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:11 pm
by Valsidur
Upgraded to the latest 6.6. I've noticed over the last 3 revisions that there seems to be a lot of background activity with the program now, and "showing headers" after downloading them was starting to get a little slow (stalling) and quirky. After this latest update, it's too horrible to use the program now. The bigger groups (speaking in my case mainly to, it takes a LONG time to update the new posts count. When you load the headers it loads a couple of hundred, pauses 15-30 seconds, then more show up, pauses 15-30 seconds, more show up. Takes like 5 minutes to get them all displayed and sorted.

I'm probably a victim of using Windows Vista (32-bit, dual core) and just getting too far out of date for the software, but just in case there is something worth investigating here. I'm starting to get the periodic "worker thread died" error message to.

I've done a clean install, disabled virus and other background tasks, and it's making no different. I reverted back to 6.5.


Re: Show header and various other quirks

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:46 pm
by Quade
When you load the headers it loads a couple of hundred, pauses 15-30 seconds, then more show up, pauses 15-30 seconds, more show up. Takes like 5 minutes to get them all displayed and sorted.

It always did this. The difference is that the new records are going to the top now where they used to get sent invisibly to the bottom of the list. If you like how 6.5 works then you should run that version. I like seeing the new records get sent to the top instead of the bottom.

Re: Show header and various other quirks

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:37 pm
by Valsidur
I remember (and see) that it is doing something similar in 6.5 (i'm back at 6.42 now). But the speed of loading with these big pauses seem to make things to really really slow now, far far worse than 6.5.

Thanks for the response.