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6.6 - Mark All Old not hiding old posts immediately

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 10:56 am
by JonSmith
Prior to 6.6, clicking "Mark All Old" used to also refresh the current group list (hiding all the old ones if "Hide Old" set). In 6.6, the posts are being marked as old but the old posts are not hiding until I refresh. Minor, but annoying change.

Re: 6.6 - Mark All Old not hiding old posts immediately

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:53 am
by Quade
I agree that that's what it does.

Not sure if it's a bad thing though. I'll have to think about it.

Re: 6.6 - Mark All Old not hiding old posts immediately

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 7:28 pm
by Vocalpoint
JonSmith wrote:Prior to 6.6, clicking "Mark All Old" used to also refresh the current group list (hiding all the old ones if "Hide Old" set). In 6.6, the posts are being marked as old but the old posts are not hiding until I refresh. Minor, but annoying change.

+1 Annoying. Do not understand how this change advances the program in anyway.

Rollback to 6.56 fixed this right up.


Re: 6.6 - Mark All Old not hiding old posts immediately

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 9:40 pm
by Quade
Nobody complained about it during the long beta and RC so out it went. I don't use hide old so, I didn't notice a change in behavior. If you want this to change back, I suggest trying the next beta's and giving me some feedback.

Nothing wrong with sticking with 6.56 if it works for you.

Re: 6.6 - Mark All Old not hiding old posts immediately

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:15 pm
by rh
+1 FYI, I use this all the time. Don't see it as critical but curious why the change was necessary - what's the benefit? Maybe it was just a side effect of the recent changes.

Re: 6.6 - Mark All Old not hiding old posts immediately

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:18 pm
by Quade
+1 FYI, I use this all the time. Don't see it as critical but curious why the change was necessary - what's the benefit? Maybe it was just a side effect of the recent changes.

Nobody noticed during the beta and RC period so, it went out like this. There's no benefit. I don't use this mode so I never noticed.

Re: 6.6 - Mark All Old not hiding old posts immediately

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:33 pm
by rh
Ok. One of the few times I wasn't able to participate in the beta. I'll consider this incentive to at 'least' jump in for RC if I don't get the chance to try a beta. :)

Re: 6.6 - Mark All Old not hiding old posts immediately

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:49 am
by thallon
I'm curious if this is related - I've noticed a change in how "hide old" works, in that it doesn't appear to be working (do I have to manually do a refresh now each time I load a group?)

I'm generally not a beta person otherwise I would have commented since this makes it harder to differentiate what's truly new, particularly in a large groups such as e-books. I finally figured out this morning why it was so hard to read the download list - anything that was new showed PAR + PDF. Anything I downloaded previously still showed PAR files but no PDF.

I'm going to do a downgrade and will look to see how this feature plays out in the next release.

Re: 6.6 - Mark All Old not hiding old posts immediately

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 1:12 pm
by Quade
If you sort by date the new stuff all bubbles to the top. Even without the old/new tagging you can tell what's new by the posting date.

I finally figured out this morning why it was so hard to read the download list - anything that was new showed PAR + PDF. Anything I downloaded previously still showed PAR files but no PDF.

Not sure what this means. Old/New has nothing to do with the download list.

Re: 6.6 - Mark All Old not hiding old posts immediately

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:11 pm
by thallon
thanks for the quick response. Re-reading my message it could have been clearer. I'm back on 6.56 so I'll describe that behavior since it works for me. I have "hide old" selected in the display settings.

I open up a group such as e-book.magazines, which has a lot of files. The PDF files are different from the PAR files, for example:
awesome_mag.par2 (collection of par files)

With 6.56 and previous versions, when I close the tab and then re-open the group (loading new headers), I don't see any of the files that were loaded previously - I only see new headers since the last time I opened the group.

With 6.6, I would still see:

This means that for 6.6, the only files that would be hidden would be the ones that I've downloaded.

You are correct that you can sort by timestamp to see the newest but the challenge is when there are duplicates. This is particularly apparent in a multimedia groups where you could have up to 6 versions of the same movie or tv show (multiple uploaders, regular vs. 720p, etc), including separate PAR and sample files. I sort by subject to ensure that I download the right one and that I'm not missing anything. It's also much easier to read the screen when you can group by subject so you can see at a glance, as opposed to by timestamp whereby you really have to read line by line.

Hope that helps.


Re: 6.6 - Mark All Old not hiding old posts immediately

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:20 pm
by Quade
I can't reproduce it here. I have "Auto-mark old" option set in the settings. I load the group, they're all green, I reload the group with "Hide Old" set and they're all gone.

If I turn off "automark old" and manually mark the posts old, then reload the group, they're all gone too.

Re: 6.6 - Mark All Old not hiding old posts immediately

PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:31 pm
by thallon
thanks Quade - incredibly weird as I have that setting on too but the behavior I'm seeing is different between the two versions. I'll do some more testing to see if I can come up with anything and if so, I'll post my findings.
