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6.60 b4163 behavior

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 8:54 am
by wiggins09
Just did the upgrade to 6.60 b4163 (upgraded from the earlier beta release)

Watchlist behavior (leeched headers only) -
Previously I had items in the watchlist also visible in the headers pane for the respective groups folder.
Now the watchlist items only appear in the watchlist pane & not the group pane, when the watchlist item is run.
Is this how it is supposed to be now?

However some watchlists will not run properly.
e.g. one which always worked will now not allow me to set an age range. When run it I get all items which fit the search criteria in my headers DB (no age constraint) & the filters button is preset to off.
If I click the filters enable button I lose all items from the pane, setting age has no effect. The items fitting the criteria & age range are visible in the group headers panel.

[UPDATE]Got the failing watchlist criteria to work by deleting/rewriting the filter, & then running a rescan.
It does not exclude the search items from the groups pane like the other watchlist however.

Post Unrar filter is not working, it didn't in the beta either. I still see stuff like .sfv.

Download to folder named for subject still generates loads of folders for randomly selected items. This includes deeply nested folders with long filenames which a search routine will not find but which if manually opening each folder & drilling down will reveal complete files. (Incs *_TMP folders which may or may not be empty.)
Untidy & time-consuming :(
Really would like the old behavior of putting all selected items into a single folder as a bunch without unraring down to x levels, as an option at least.

Re: 6.60 b4163 behavior

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 10:41 am
by Quade
Watchlist behavior (leeched headers only) -

I load up a watchlist from headers, look at a specific post, then load the group and see the same post. I checked two different Groups and watch lists. So I'd guess you're filtering the group or something is preventing you from seeing it. Global filter profile applies to the watch lists now which it didn't before. You can turn the filters on and off in the watch lists now which you couldn't before.

Post Unrar filter

I watched it delete 6000 files yesterday so, I'm a little skeptical. It sounds almost like your filters DB is messed up.

[09:36:26] HIGH HFC: Rejected RAR Filter: Filename Filter .11.nfo
[09:36:26] HIGH HFC: Rejected RAR Filter: Filename Filter .11.sfv
[09:36:26] HIGH HFC: Rejected RAR Filter: Filename Filter .11.srr
[09:36:26] HIGH HFC: Rejected RAR Filter: Filename Filter .11.srr
[09:36:26] HIGH HFC: Rejected RAR Filter: Filename Filter .11.sfv

From something I downloaded this morning. You have to use the filename type filters. Subject filters won't work. Post unrar filters only apply to things inside the RAR or mentioned int he PAR2 file. Any other files are ignored by this filter.

Download to folder named for subject still generates loads of folders for randomly selected items.

"Download to New Folder" will put them all into a single folder. It'll even seed it with the subject you can then edit. It's an extra step but it works.

Re: 6.60 b4163 behavior

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:45 am
by wiggins09
Thanks for the reply Quade.
Well I would sure like to see those things cos they aren't happening here. That goes double for the folder thing as that which you describe is what I want ideally :)
Is it possible the upgrade didn't complete correctly & some files are not over-written due to AV etc....
I'm seeing the build number change so assuming it did work. Didn't have any AV popups & every nbp folder (in \users\ & \programs\) is whitelisted & exes have full permissions. You're also in the 'trusted vendors' list.

I had been using [.]sfv & I just checked some of the filesets they do have the sfv listed in the .par2 file.

I have only defined 4 watchlists I'm not exactly overworking it so can't see why I'm getting these oddball results.

If I use Download to folder named for subject on a selection at best I get
Code: Select all
folder name/download file name/file01
folder name/download file name/file02
folder name/download file name/file03
folder name/download file name/file04
folder name/download file name/file05
folder name/download file name/file06
folder name/download file name/file07

- if this is a set they are spread around in there

with random files
Code: Select all
folder name/download file name/file aaa/000_tmp/
folder name/download file name/file aba/
folder name/download file name/file dfe/

folder name is always the same & auto-determined for me I don't see an edit field when applying this command.

Can I send you an email with some screenshots? Don't seem able to append files to PMs.

Uninstalled C:\Program Files\Newsbin\ files & did a fresh install, this has solved the watchlist issue but not the right click-Download to folder named for subject weirdness

Re: 6.60 b4163 behavior

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:52 am
by Quade
That goes double for the folder thing as that which you describe is what I want ideally

I'm suggesting you do something different than what you have been doing. "Download to New Folder" instead of "Download to New folder named for Subject". It requires an extra click but will let you edit the subject used.

Re: 6.60 b4163 behavior

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:02 am
by wiggins09
Quade wrote:
That goes double for the folder thing as that which you describe is what I want ideally

I'm suggesting you do something different than what you have been doing. "Download to New Folder" instead of "Download to New folder named for Subject". It requires an extra click but will let you edit the subject used.

OK Thanks Quade
Is the "Download to New folder named for Subject" EOL now? Or maybe you'll add a regex into the formula or something...?

Re: 6.60 b4163 behavior

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:37 am
by Quade
Is the "Download to New folder named for Subject" EOL now? Or maybe you'll add a regex into the formula or something...?

It doesn't work for you because of what you're downloading. It works fine for other people who download different things. If I'm downloading large sets of files I want them all in different folders. If you're downloading a bunch of small stuff, you probably want them in the same folder. I don't see a way to differentiate in software because everyone wants different things.

So I'm suggesting that you don't use the mode that's proven not to work for you and instead use a different mode that does pretty much what you want.

Re: 6.60 b4163 behavior

PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:40 am
by wiggins09
OK I get that. It's had caught me out as I'd been using it for so long then the behavior suddenly changed.
Have to unlearn that now-automatic clicking when I look at stuff. :P