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Does Newsbin auto-sort?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 10:25 pm
by bw909
Is Newsbin supposed to be able to automatically sort headers? I always sort headers by subject. Each time I have to click the subject column twice after getting new headers to get them sorted. Just wondering if this is normal. This is on both 6.56 and 6.60

Re: Does Newsbin auto-sort?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:56 pm
by Quade
6.60 always puts new headers on top these days. Not sure when it started too. One of the later betas. The problem with doing an actual sort is that it would sort a bunch after a header download and if you have a bunch of headers loaded up, it could probably be slow. Headers are imported in blocks and you really don't want it re-sorting after every block.

6.56 always put new headers on the bottom which is why you had to sort them back to the top.