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Server group list

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 1:18 pm
by mimauk

I decided to do a complete new install of NBPro to get rid of some little niggling problems, so I uninstalled it using Windows uninstall on the control panel - I kept my nbi file and deleted everything else including cleaning the registry with CCleaner and Wise registry Cleaner. I used the latest Beta14 - not Beta 15 - to install and re-registered it with my key. I used the old nbi file to start NB and downloaded the headers for my groups with a one day download limit. Everything works great and I downloaded what files I wanted with no problems.

I went to download the groups list from the servers but got a popup saying the groups list was missing and click on the Download groups list from server button. When I try to download the group list all I get in the Download tab is a message saying " download list xxx server place holder" for each server and no download activity.


On the reinstall NBPro uses the c:\ drive for the data folder by default - my old nbi file uses another disk for the data folder. I copied the group.db3 file from the c:\ drive to the other drive and everything is ok.

Re: Server group list

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:40 pm
by Quade
I went to download the groups list from the servers but got a popup saying the groups list was missing and click on the Download groups list from server button. When I try to download the group list all I get in the Download tab is a message saying " download list xxx server place holder" for each server and no download activity.

Downloading the groups list fix is one of the fixes in B15.