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Headers Problem - ERROR Unable to Update Data record

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 8:49 am
by wiggins09
I have 000s of red ERROR Unable to Update Data record msgs today, the groups don't seem to be updated despite the fact I can see the headers totals cycling as they appear to leech from the servers.
Instead of the usual (###) number on the group tabs, I have (0) & empty lists.
I have <50gb free on the NBP data drive.
Decided to try the new beta #13 to see if it was any different - it isn't :?
The header download ended about 10 mins ago & NBP is still just listing more ERROR Unable to Update Data record entries as each second passes - added another 1000 whilst I was typing...
Any ideas?
edit -
Just realized I cannot add to the queue from search etc. It shows the 'tick' but nothing happens - maybe held up by the errors?

Re: Headers Problem - ERROR Unable to Update Data record

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 9:01 am
by Quade
You restarted and there's no change?

Sounds like something happened to Newsbin's ability to write to disk. Like it's being blocked or the DB's are corrupted.

Re: Headers Problem - ERROR Unable to Update Data record

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 9:31 am
by wiggins09
It was fine yesterday & with the available space it shouldn't have an issue. It has full permissions.
NBP has been restarted about 5 times inc the update to beta 13 from 6.5x
Old headers (yesterday & previous) load up fine, but trying to d/l doesn't get to queue (yet?)
The group tabs are slowly starting to fill if reloaded, but I'm at 4000 error msgs now & still rising. On restart the msgs just start again...
NBP reports
cache 200/200 (86)
47.25 gb free on Data drive

Current CPU use at 8%
private working bytes -155,640k
private bytes - 466,312k

I will leave it for an hour & see what happens. Maybe I should nuke my headers & start over?

Re: Headers Problem - ERROR Unable to Update Data record

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 10:57 am
by Quade
I will leave it for an hour & see what happens. Maybe I should nuke my headers & start over?

I you don't mind wiping and redownloading, that might be the easiest way.

Re: Headers Problem - ERROR Unable to Update Data record

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 11:24 am
by wiggins09
Left it until it stopped giving error msgs.
Restarted & now headers will download but it is doing weird stuff.
Some watchlists work some don't (all local for headers). Tried deleting & making new WLs - will del but doesn't save. Tried different names etc.
Tried leeching from search result - nothing but tick on result. No D/L activity at all.
As a test did a block of d/ls from headers & ended up with dozens of empty folders along with one that actually had files.
Disk space for data has increased to 48.83gb

Very confusing!
Guess I better wipe it all out.

Re: Headers Problem - ERROR Unable to Update Data record

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 5:39 pm
by wiggins09
Nuked the lot & did a totally clean install of 6.6x b13
Everything seems to be working now.
Weird...hope it is still OK tomorrow! :lol: