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spool data v6 half broken

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 12:26 am
by lolcat

I recently had to reinstall windows, so I made sure to backup my entire newsbin data folder (C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\newsbin). Newsbin was working perfectly before this windows reinstall.

After reinstalling windows, i figured that i would only need to reinstall newsbin (v 6.56), and place my backup application data folder in the new "data folder"... but before opening newsbin, i also edited three lines in the newsbin.nbi (config) file... so it would point to my new desired folder paths which were very minor changes (my windows username).

After firing up newsbin i was so excited to see EVERYTHING was just EXACTLY as i left it in my previous windows installation. Seriously, I opened my newsgroup bookmarks and newsbin showed all the post inside my newsgroups just as they were before, some marked as old, some as new... PERFECT!!!.

Then i noticed a big issue: if i try to download any of the "old" posts listed in my newsgroup, they wouldn't add to the download queue... if I right click on any of these posts, and go to "properties", the system shows the size in MB of the given post (and other data), but in the records field it has 0 in all of them, "missing" always has "1". Then I updated my newsgroup (downloading new headers) and these new posts appear to work perfectly as i can add these files to my download queue and they don't show missing records in the properties window.

Do you guys think my spoolv6 .db3 files are corrupt?. I still have an untouched backup of my data folder... hopefully you can help me fix this issue. Image link not allowed for unregistered users

Re: spool data v6 half broken

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 12:33 am
by Quade
Sounds like the "StorageData.db3" files are missing. They're the ones that contain this information.

Re: spool data v6 half broken

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 12:58 am
by lolcat
I found a StorageData.db3 file in my backup, but it's 0 bytes!. Range.db3 is only 3.1kb and storage is 126mb... I don't understand what happened, newsbin never crashed, and it was closed when i made my backup (i actually made TWO backups to avoid any issues...).

I remember i tried a 6.6 beta a few months ago, it had major issues for me so i decided to go back to 6.5x... and even after this, i was able to browse/download my old posts.

So there's nothing i can do now, right?. This is so frustrating! :'(

If i download the headers of the entire newsgroup all over again, all my posts marked as old/new/deleted will be reset as "new". Is this correct?. All I need is to bring back the records ("message id" and such) to my existing headers!.

Re: spool data v6 half broken

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 1:48 am
by Quade
I found a StorageData.db3

There should be 1 per group. In the spool_V6 folder under each group. You said you had the old data folder. Are you sure they're not there?

If i download the headers of the entire newsgroup all over again, all my posts marked as old/new/deleted will be reset as "new". Is this correct?. All I need is to bring back the records ("message id" and such) to my existing head

"Downloaded" tagging should still be correct. Old/New won't be.

Re: spool data v6 half broken

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 2:51 am
by lolcat
I double checked my backups (2) and both have the same 0kb StorageData.db3

A lot work was lost with that file, damn!. It was just one newsgroup that i really cared of. I don't understand what happened, but it must've been corrupted recently without me noticing it.

I'll just -try- to move on... lol.

Re: spool data v6 half broken

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 5:23 am
by Quade
I double checked my backups (2) and both have the same 0kb StorageData.db3

I don't think you're getting my comment. If you're subscribed to 50 groups. There should be 50 storagedata files. How many groups are you subbed to?

Re: spool data v6 half broken

PostPosted: Fri May 08, 2015 6:30 pm
by lolcat
I was subcribed to 4 groups... but i really cared of only one of them.

Sorry If my previous posts were a little bit confusing... but I always focused on this just one specific group. The other .db3 files a healthy and working as expected.

Thanks for your help Quade!. Image link not allowed for unregistered users