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NZB and Easynews problem

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 8:30 am
by BuckoA51
Easynews now seem to now be creating NZB files that aren't compatible with Newsbin. When I inspect their NZB files I found that there is a blank line at the top of the NZB file and that's enough to throw Newsbin off. I can open the file in an editor, delete the line, save it then Newsbin will open it just fine.

I have no idea why Easynews have started doing this, but would it be possible to have Newsbin handle this?


Re: NZB and Easynews problem

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 9:19 am
by Quade
Send one to and I'll check it out. Blank line shouldn't hurt anything.

What version are you using?

Re: NZB and Easynews problem

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:01 pm
by lordkinbote
I'm not sure if this is the same issue I've been having, but I've searched and can't find anyone with this specific issue of blank nzb files. Some nzb files that I get from Easynews or other places (including ones made in Mimo) open as blank in Newsbin. I have the latest beta installed today (v6.72RC1), but it's still doing it. I had to go back to v6.61 in order for the same nzb to show files and therefore be able to download them. This has been happening for a while. I don't know if it's not showing other headers also, but this is something I can quantify. I keep the one file to test new versions that come out. I believe it isn't showing some headers when downloading also because when I search the groups using EasyNews or even Mimo sometimes, it shows the headers of certain files, but when I Download All Headers from those groups, the specific thing I was looking for doesn't show up. Yet, it does with the older versions of Newsbin (with the exact same config files). Not sure when this all started, but pretty sure it's been happening since v6.70 and possibly before that.

Re: NZB and Easynews problem

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:16 pm
by Quade
Do you have a filter set in the NZB Options?

You can email some to me to look at, the same address as mentioned above.

You might want to check the global filter profile. Sounds like some fix that made the filters more effective is impacting you.

Re: NZB and Easynews problem

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:38 pm
by lordkinbote
I sent the email, but this reply is for others that might want to know.

I tried turning the filters off a few versions ago and my Global filter settings are all at there default (either "None" or 0kb in the dropdown boxes). So, I'm not sure how they can get any more "off." :wink: But, it IS possible that I still might've missed some setting.

Re: NZB and Easynews problem

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 2:14 pm
by Quade
Yeah, I had no problems loading your NZB in 6.72.

1 - Load the NZB into a post list and then look at the filters bar. The thing across the top of the new window. Is anything selected? You might try toggling the filters on and off. The green power button thing.

2 - If nothing showed up. Try dragging and dropping the NZB over the download list.

If still no go:

1 - In the options select "Open Data Folder".
2 - Exit Newsbin.
3 - Rename "Filters.db3" to "Filters.db3.old"
4 - Restart Newsbin and try to load the NZB.

If that doesn't work:

1 - Open the data folder
2 - Look in the Spool_v6 folder.
3 - Delete the folder "NZBs"
4 - Start Newsbin. Try to load again.

If that didn't work.

1 - Open data folder,
2 - Look in the spool_v6 folder. The NZBS folder should have re-appeared. Look inside. There should be some DB3's named for the NZB. Are they there?

Re: NZB and Easynews problem

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 5:50 pm
by lordkinbote
I did all those steps and still nothing showed up. In the last step, there is a .db3 and a .db3-journal file for the nzb.

Re: NZB and Easynews problem

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:19 pm
by Quade
I did all those steps and still nothing showed up. In the last step, there is a .db3 and a .db3-journal file for the nzb.

This suggests the load is working fine.

I'm pretty much out of ideas. Dex suggested maybe you're poster locking these guys out.

- Open the data folder,
- Exit Newsbin
- Rename PosterLockout.txt to PosterLockout.txt.old

Restart and try again. All of my suggestions above require you to exit where I say exit for it to work. For example deleting the filters DB won't work properly if Newsbin is still running.

Re: NZB and Easynews problem

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:13 pm
by lordkinbote
Quade wrote:I'm pretty much out of ideas. Dex suggested maybe you're poster locking these guys out.

- Open the data folder,
- Exit Newsbin
- Rename PosterLockout.txt to PosterLockout.txt.old

Restart and try again. All of my suggestions above require you to exit where I say exit for it to work. For example deleting the filters DB won't work properly if Newsbin is still running.

This worked! Thanks! Do you have any ideas why the headers would show up fine in an earlier version though?

Also, when I search through the PosterLockout file for the poster, the poster isn't in there.

Re: NZB and Easynews problem

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 9:58 pm
by Quade
Also, when I search through the PosterLockout file for the poster, the poster isn't in there.

Poster lockouts use RE's meaning it doesn't have to be an exact match. if you're poster locking out "am" for example, it'll match on any poster name with "am" in it anywhere.

As for why it's changed, I'd guess either poster lockouts didn't apply back then or it was pre-RE. It's probably that poster lockouts didn't apply to NZB's.

What I'm not clear on is why D&Ding the file over the download list didn't work. That should be unfiltered.

Re: NZB and Easynews problem

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 10:46 pm
by lordkinbote
Quade wrote:
What I'm not clear on is why D&Ding the file over the download list didn't work. That should be unfiltered.

Yeah, I don't know. I added it by double clicking it first and when that didn't work, I dragged it over and it was still showing as empty. No filters on and after I renamed the filter.db3 file to .old. I didn't think it was necessarily a filter thing before when I'd turn off filters and the ones I'd blocked (or at least many of them) showed up in a group post, but a search for the specific file header I was looking for in the group then didn't show it. Very odd. This was before. I didn't try to do it now that it showed up after renaming the posterlockout.

Re: NZB and Easynews problem

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 10:50 pm
by Quade
I dragged it over and it was still showing as empty.

There's a setting called "Download D&D..." in the NZB options. If it isn't checked, it'll load the dropped NZB's to a post list. That's probably why it didn't end up in the download list. If you check that box, instead of loading NZB's to a listing on top. it'll send them to the download list automatically.

Re: NZB and Easynews problem

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 10:57 pm
by lordkinbote
None of the boxes in the NZB settings were checked and the NZB filter says None.

Re: NZB and Easynews problem

PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 10:59 pm
by Quade
None of the boxes in the NZB settings were checked and the NZB filter says None.

Right but if you check the one I mentioned, you don't have to look at the NZB's. Instead you can feed them directly to the download window.