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Worker thread death: goodbye Newsbin, hello Mimo?!?!

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2015 8:59 pm
by noozcruz
I've been struggling with the "Worker thread died" issue running 6.55 build 3334 for several weeks. I tried 3 different anti-viruses and even no anti-virus at all, and it still happens.

I decided to try the super limited Mimo downloader Giganews provides: there's no issues and it never stops working.

This is a new behavior for Newsbin on this system. It may have began with its last update, which I think was in February. This system hasn't seen a lot of changes and most of them have been Windows Updates.

Is there any way to pinpoint what is causing the worker thread to die? Should I try reverting to the previous version (would it be compatible with the data now?)

Re: Worker thread death: goodbye Newsbin, hello Mimo?!?!

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2015 9:11 pm
by Quade
You'd be better off running the 6.60 beta. B12 is pretty good.

Wonder if it's just running out of RAM? There's a fix in 6.56 and 6.60 for problems with boneless consuming too much RAM.

Re: Worker thread death: goodbye Newsbin, hello Mimo?!?!

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 7:57 pm
by noozcruz
Well, whatever the problem was, 6.60B12 b4008 is working like a champ. Could have been a RAM problem as the previous version seem to cause a lot more HDD thrashing in comparison. I set the options for an older system.

Nice to have an easy fix. Thanks!

Re: Worker thread death: goodbye Newsbin, hello Mimo?!?!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 10:25 pm
by chiefj
I too have had the Worker Thread Death error
I am using version 6.60B15

The Death error was preceded by another error

[11:33:36] ERROR DG - Connection Failed: My_Server Server Index:1 Done Socket - Connection To Server FailedSocket - Write To Server FailedSocket - Read From Server FailedDNS - Unable to Find Server's AddressDNS - Unable to Find ServiceDNS - Unable to Find Peer Address

I was getting the same error on an older version it did not change when I upgraded.

The comment you had about memory might point to the problem I am running on an older system 4G max memory


Re: Worker thread death: goodbye Newsbin, hello Mimo?!?!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 11:18 pm
by Quade
This looks like security software blocking Newsbin off the internet. It's a common problems with upgrades. Both Newsbin and the security software. You need to tell your firewall to let Newsbin out onto the internet.