Worker Thread Died & Avast A/V

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

Worker Thread Died & Avast A/V

Postby dane » Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:25 pm

Hi - seems I'm late to the party - others seem to have had this problem last fall. I recently updated Avast and upgraded to NB v.6.56 build 3339. Didn't realize that I had done both things in close proximity to one another, but kept having the "Worker Thread Died" error and was unable to d/l headers of files.

After searching this board, I disabled Avast for an hour, deleted all of the .gz files in the import folder, updated all of the groups and restarted avast, and all is working fine. It would seem that at some point Avast objected to something and caused NB to hang, leaving behind all the .gz files which subsequently caused NB to choke every time I tried to get it to do something. Once Avast was disabled, and NB cleaned out, all seems fine.

Thanks to those who blazed the trail and led me to the solution.
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