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Icons disappear on selected items in v6.56 3339

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:47 pm
by petro
I've been using NBpro for many years, with no problems (thank you!), but I finally encountered a glitch worth needing help with.

I just upgraded from v6.55 to v6.56.
For unselected items, a black square appears to the left of the icon. There also seems to be a black background behind the icon.
For selected items, both the icon and black square turn completely white.

I tried downgrading back to 6.55, but the problem persists. Selecting to reset layout during install does not fix the problem. Oddly it does not seem to reset anything in the interface.
Any suggestions on a workaround or fix?


Re: Icons disappear on selected items in v6.56 3339

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:38 pm
by Quade
Last time I saw this is was from someone doing remote desktop to an XP machine because RD to XP didn't support 32 bit icons.

Re: Icons disappear on selected items in v6.56 3339

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 11:06 pm
by petro
Well now, THAT was interesting. Problem solved, and your hint was spot on.

I am running XP, and somehow my graphics settings got switched from 32 to 16 bit colour. Maybe a game or an app or something. I switched back to 32-bit colour and everything looks fine!

Thanks for your help!