Tried v6.60 but its the same.
The other thing in v6.6 was: the "Size" values were stuck at 0/0 during download of headers for 20+mins (the gauge still showed the progress though): after ca 30mins NB started showing the "Size"-values. If I remember correctly, in v6.56 the values were showing almost immediately after starting the header download.
Generaly v6.6 was much more sluggish, so I had to revert to 6.56: (<-only took 3 sec to display 18k posts in 6.56. In v6.6 it takes minutes to load 1k posts)
Anyway, I did some more testing by changing download age, and there was one curious thing that i noticed:
after changing the download age to 10 days, NB first started downloading headers that were 10 days old and older.
After downloading all those old headers (10-1xxx days), NB then downloaded newer headers that were 0-9 days old.
Then I deleted stored posts and set download age to 5 days. Now NB first started downloading headers that were 5 days old and older.
After downloading all those older posts, NB then downloaded newer headers that were 0-4 days old...
And about editing range.db, what should i change in there?
There is currently only one Table "GroupRange" with following fields/values:
(Is this the right file?: \Newsbin Data\SPOOL_V6\alt.binaries.boneless\Range.db3)