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After downloading, files still in the queue

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:16 am
by brkbrk

I have posted a topic in Dec 2013 when new Newsbin version released. v6.50

Since that version, after downloading a file and repairing it (if it is damaged) Newsbin doesn't remove it from the Downloading Files section. In version 6.42 it isn't like that. What I want from Newsbin is, Download files >> Repair if damaged >> clear the list >> do not Unrar/delete etc. files. I manually check them before unraring the downloaded archives.

You can see the problem here, download finished and it repaired but still in the queue:

My configuration:

After seeing v6.50 have some issues, I moved back to v6.42 and used it until last week. Last week I made a clean os install and this time I wanted to use latest version of Newsbin because v6.42 is getting old but I am disappointed because issue still exists.

Re: After downloading, files still in the queue

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 11:38 am
by Quade
In 6.56 and 6.60 there's an option called "Remove repaired but not unrared sets" that becomes active when you disable "Automatically Unrar". It's in the autopar options.

Re: After downloading, files still in the queue

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:51 pm
by brkbrk
Thank you for your quick answer. That solved my issue and now working just like I want it.