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File DL's to 90% and then hangs

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:13 am
by dr_dx

Sorry if this has been addressed - I didn't see it anywhere. 90% of my file DL's get to 90% and then just hang. I think it has something to do withe the auto RAR/PAR but i don't know for sure. I have been using astraweb for 15 years and for most of that time it has been fine - I have unlimited DSL and 4 connections. But since I started using build 3334 x64 , I have been having real problems. I even updated to build 3339, but same problem. I had just been using astraweb's US server (non SSl) and I know it has some incompletes but not like this. I am at the point where I delete the database but wanted to see if anyone else had an idea before i do that.

Also I am getting multiples of these:

[02:31:33] ERROR Error: WSARecv Socket Error Code: 10060 A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.


Re: File DL's to 90% and then hangs

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:32 am
by Quade
Click the + icon and look at the files for errors. The PAR counts tell you how much of the file has downloaded so far. Newsbin won't assemble and repair till it's got 90% of the file down so, it sounds like not enough of the file has downloaded.

You can right click and "Assemble Incompletes" and see if there's enough to repair.

Re: File DL's to 90% and then hangs

PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:35 am
by dr_dx
I understand the process and it used to happen 1 in 100 files. Now it is 90 out of 100 files and they all hang at 87~89% Dl'd. Seems if it really was an incomplete issue, there would be differing %'s.

P.S. I installed Quickpar .92 (after i was having issues) and then uninstalled it since it didn't make any difference.

Re: File DL's to 90% and then hangs

PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 3:05 am
by Quade
Are you seeing 430 errors on the logs?

It can only be a couple things but I have no way of guessing what's happening because you're not really reporting any new symptoms.

1 - The server isn't delivering enough of the file (430 errors).

2 - The files are landing but they're too damaged to repair. Maybe a problem with the server or security software or something else.

3 - The files aren't complete on the server but not because of 430 errors. Maybe they never made it to your server or aren't there yet.

I'd leave quickpar installed so you can double-check Newsbin.

So what's wrong with your files? What does quickpar say? I'm not having any problem with AW at the moment but, we might simply not be downloading the same thing.

Re: File DL's to 90% and then hangs

PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 4:52 am
by dr_dx

Thank you for your timely responses.

I was able to partially resolve the issue by deleting ALL of the database files (group and master), set servers like this:

#1 - (headers)
#2 - (no headers)
#3 - (no headers)

Pulled headers for my groups. That seemed to help a little bit. I am still having a 50% failure rate.

I did notice when i clicked on the + and expanded the DL's file, that only the first .par file is DL'ed. The rest are paused (maybe because the file hadn't reached 90% yet). So I assembled the incompletes and "resumed download" on the other .par files. Then I used Quickpar to fix all the broken .rar files and then I manually extracted them to successfully recreate the file.

Will Newsbin recognize a 15% or 20% par set and adjust accordingly?

Re: File DL's to 90% and then hangs

PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 3:25 pm
by Quade
In 6.60, I've built some failsafes into it. Basically when the last PAR downloads Newsbin will just go ahead an assemble and repair. So that would catch the 20%ers. 6.60 is going to be more aggressive in general. it's more aggressive about downloading pars too. When a retry expires it'll download the next PAR.

It sounds like AW just isn't delivering all the chunks. It might be a good idea to get a good backup server to fill in the blanks when AW doesn't deliver too. Watching the logging for 430 errors will tell you if it's AW.

How many retries do you have set? The default is 2. This gates when Newsbin assembles and repairs. The larger the number, the longer it waits.