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Select and download All individual downloads

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:17 am
by nbwul62
Possibly there is an easy solution for this, I couldn't find it.

Up front: I prefer to have each download in a separate folder.
So I double click each .nzb file separately.

If it is a big list of .nzb's the tab resizes automatically, so to fit on a single row. Occassionally this may be a bit confusing as one may not entirely be sure whether or not the .nzb has been loaded and the size of the tabs became so small that they only show a (small) part of the filename. It would be nice if Newsbin would then (optionally?) add a 2nd or even a 3rd row?
Just an idea, maybe, technically way too complicated.

Anyway, that aside, is there a way to select all tabs and download all with 1 command?

Possibly inefficient, but my way is to go into each tab (.nzb), then ctrl-a, ctrl-e to download all, go to next tab, ctrl-a, ctrl-e, etc.

The below has been an actual series of downloads of pdf magazins, the 3-row thing I created myself


Re: Select and download All individual downloads

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 2:15 pm
by Quade
I think you're going about it the wrong way. I'd setup an NZB Autoload folder or several and just dump the NZB's into this folder. Then Newsbin will pick them up and download them.

You can setup per-folder pathing and other options too. You can also tell Newsbin to just download the double-clicked NZB's too instead of showing them.

Re: Select and download All individual downloads

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 9:20 am
by nbwul62

Many thanks indeed. I wasn't aware of this option.
Indeed created a watch folder under NZB Options.
Under Setup I already had F:\Newsbin\Download\$(GROUP)\$(NZBFILE)\
for the NZB files.

Tried it out, worked nicely!!

Much easier indeed, instead of launching each .nzb file and starting them one by one...

Shame on me, even after more than 10 years... :wink:

Re: Select and download All individual downloads

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:26 am
by Quade
Well, this forum is about as close to documentation as you're going to get so, I expect to teach people about features here.

Glad it's working for you.

Re: Select and download All individual downloads

PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 12:04 pm
by nbwul62
I guess, the thing with this NZB folder is that - as far as I can see it is not possible to control things, e.g. bypass filters, download anyway,ignore duplicate error.
workaround would be to move it from \nzb\loaded -> nzb and then double click the file and then do whatever is needed, similar to a normal nzb load.
