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Searching multiple items simultaneously?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 9:55 am
by wiggins09
I wondered about searching for multiple terms as a list within my headers &/or the internet search function
i.e. I have a bunch of subjects


is there a syntax or scripting function to enter that as one search - a one hit multiple result search rather than inputting each term individually.
I realize a long list could impact the search per days ratio, so this was more about accessing my headers....

Re: Searching multiple items simultaneously?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 11:06 am
by Quade
For headers, you can add all of these to a "Subject Accept" in a filter profile. Then apply it to a loaded group to only see matches. You can assign it to the group or just apply it in real time.

For Internet search, dex and I are close to having "Periodic" search working. It might even be in the next beta. Where you can add search terms to search for periodically and store locally. You can then load the search results up like a group. They'll just collect up as the day passes while Newsbin is running.

Re: Searching multiple items simultaneously?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 7:28 am
by wiggins09
Thanks Quade
Hadn't thought of using a dynamic filter, but that idea opens up a lot of great possibilities :)
Periodic search - that sounds awesome.

Glad you guys are determined to keep NBP the #1 of newsgroup clients, thanks for your continued effort & innovation :wink: