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6.55 Not downloading to $(NZBPATH)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 8:01 pm
by mr_e

I just recently upgrade to 6.55 from 6.5x (some release from early 2014) and noticed an issue with NZBPATH in downloads for zipped nzbs.

I have set my options as seen below:

Main Download Folder = X:\downloads\$(NZBPATH)\$(NZBFILE)\
Download folder for NZB downloads = X:\downloads\$(NZBPATH)\$(NZBFILE)\ (checkbox ticked)
Watch folder set to = C:\temp\nzb_autoload\

If I put a abc.nzb into the watch subdirectory of c:\temp\nzb_autoload\category1, the file is correctly downloaded to x:\downloads\category1\abc. However, if I put a zipped nzb ( into the same watch subfolder, it gets downloaded to X:\downloads\temp\abc. Was there a change to this for zipped nzbs?


Re: 6.55 Not downloading to $(NZBPATH)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 8:16 pm
by Quade
if I put a zipped nzb ( into the same watch subfolder, it gets downloaded to X:\downloads\temp\abc. Was there a change to this for zipped nzbs?

I believe this is the correct path and the path for the naked NZB's is incorrect. Why are you using NZBPATH? It's meaning is "take the last folder segment for the folder the NZB was found in". It sounds like you just want $(NZBFILE). Which is "download to a path named for the NZB".

I'll have to try both of these.

Re: 6.55 Not downloading to $(NZBPATH)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:25 pm
by mr_e
Within my watch folder, I have multiple sub directories category1, category2, category3, etc... I want my downloads to go into different directories based on the sub-directory I place the nzb into. So for category1 nzbs, I like them to download to x:\downloads\category1. Category2 nzbs download to downloads\category2. Isn't this how it's suppose to be used? My understanding of $(NZBPATH) is it just referencing the name of the last folder segment. This is how I've been using this configuration without issue since the watch folder was implemented.

Re: 6.55 Not downloading to $(NZBPATH)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:53 pm
by Quade
I'm going to look at your post again in the morning when my brain's working better. I think there's some nuances I'm missing.