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Deciphering The Status Column

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 2:28 am
by jimerb
Can someone help me understand what the status column means? Some of the columns are obvious but I've stared at it for awhile and a bunch of fields don't mean anything to me.

Sometimes I get lost as to what newsbin is doing. It would be nice to be able to see at a glance what the state of a download is, and what the state of extraction is.

[53 files, 8 pars] D:0 DL:0 Inc:0 P:60 R:0 N:0

Also the current progress bar changes from purple to blue to green. What does that mean?


Re: Deciphering The Status Column

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:02 am
by Quade
[53 files, 8 pars] D:0 DL:0 Inc:0 P:60 R:0 N:0

53 files
8 pars
D: Downloaded
DL: Downloading
Inc: Incomplete
R: Retries
N: Time till next retry.

The colors are for download, repair and unrar.

Re: Deciphering The Status Column

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 2:54 pm
by jimerb
Very interesting. It's very helpful to get an overview of what's going on behind the curtains.

Couple of followup questions:

1) Purple blue green equal download, repair and unrar respectively?

2)What does paused mean? Is it how many individual files in the set are left that haven't finished downloading?

3) When I expand a green "+" sign and see the individual blocks being downloaded what do the black and grey boxes mean on the current progress bar?

4) On the little circle icon next to the "+" signs what does the blue check and green down arrow mean?

Thanks much! Even though I've been using newsbin for 10+ years there are still features I don't fully know. A testament to how rich the program is.

Re: Deciphering The Status Column

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:48 pm
by Quade
Gray means done, Black means missing, as in the information to download that block doesn't exist. Red would mean failed assuming you don't have a server set to red color.

Blue check means it's going to download but, isn't downloading yet. Green arrow means downloading.

Pause means paused. PARS are typically paused till needed. The files are paused while it tries to download the first PAR. With combined sets, things work best if at least one par downloads first.

Re: Deciphering The Status Column

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:20 pm
by jimerb
Very helpful. I fell like i know a heck of a lot more now what it's up to.

When it says "Par 489 of 527" what does that mean? I'm looking at a file right now that shows that each part was downloaded yet it seems to be sitting waiting for something else to download.

it says:
[PAR:489 of 527] D:29 DL:0 Inc:0 P:0 R:13 N:732

The progress bar looks like it's 100% done in purple and the size is 2.44 GB of 2.44 GB

I'm trying to figure out what it's waiting for. When I expand the tree each item shows as downloaded.

Why is it retrying if it has everything?

Re: Deciphering The Status Column

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:25 pm
by Quade
When it says "Par 489 of 527"

You have 489 of 527 par blocks. If you had 527 the files would be perfect. As it is you're missing 38 blocks. That means you need at east 38 PAR repair blocks to repair those files. If you right click and select "Properties" from the download list it'll give you more details. You need at least 1 par repair block per missing file block.

If you click the + sign, see if all the pars have downloaded yet. If not you can try unpausing some or all.

Re: Deciphering The Status Column

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 9:00 am
by Valmont
Quade wrote:
When it says "Par 489 of 527"

You have 489 of 527 par blocks. If you had 527 the files would be perfect. As it is you're missing 38 blocks. That means you need at east 38 PAR repair blocks to repair those files. If you right click and select "Properties" from the download list it'll give you more details. You need at least 1 par repair block per missing file block.

If you click the + sign, see if all the pars have downloaded yet. If not you can try unpausing some or all.

Ah, glad you mention this: can I make them automatically unpause? Otherwise I'm still doing manual labor whilst the program should take care of this I feel. Or did I overlook something?

Re: Deciphering The Status Column

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:14 am
by Quade
Normally, it handles this automatically but, if doesn't do it unless you've managed to get 90% of the files downloaded. Pars can typically only repair 10% loss so, Newsbin uses a 90% threshold.

This is changing to be more aggressive in 6.60.

Re: Deciphering The Status Column

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:43 am
by Valmont
Quade wrote:Normally, it handles this automatically but, if doesn't do it unless you've managed to get 90% of the files downloaded. Pars can typically only repair 10% loss so, Newsbin uses a 90% threshold.

This is changing to be more aggressive in 6.60.

Aah I see. When I unpause the rest of the pars then often it turns out fine after a repair. So I guess many deliver pars to repair a whopping 15%. I read about it.

Re: Deciphering The Status Column

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:01 pm
by Quade
Could be. 6.60 will unpause a par automatically each time the retries expire too.

Re: Deciphering The Status Column

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:53 am
by Downloadski
It would be nice to know a little bit more on what par process is doing.

I know I can see the properties of a file, but sometimes it seems to do nothing..

this case:
[PAR Check 154 files, 12 pars] D:154 DL:0 Inc:0 P:0 R:0 N:0

with properties check i find out it is missing a complete file (300 MB file) so it takes time to construct this from par data.

Now a second and third file queue up with the status [PAR Check xxx files, xxx pars]
I assume they wait in line for processing till #1 is finished ?

The all have purple bars. Not at 100% which is strange as I thought I configured it to download all the par files. So I expected the DL:xxx to be 0.
It still does not download them all Image link not allowed for unregistered users )I know I do not need them, but it now seems visually that file is not yet done and waiting for something.

Re: Deciphering The Status Column

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 12:08 am
by Quade
[PAR Check 154 files, 12 pars]

PAR check means the files have gotten to the point where PAR needs to look at them. If you have more than one set of files like that, it means they're stacking up while one is being processed.

I can look into adding more details. It's probably scanning the bad files and any incomplete files it has to assemble.

Re: Deciphering The Status Column

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:03 am
by Downloadski
it is not a big issue, I can look up the properties for the download.

this just pops up as I download 14 TB again since I accidentely removed a file system from my nas.
So there are many entrys of obscured filenames. If it than pauses for a while I start to wonder if I gave it the right password etc.

Another idea might be to show for the bottom part of the window also a column with the unrar path if set. (now there is download descriptions, download path, size, Status, Current Progress and Date)

Either default or user given. That would help with obscured filenames if you gave them an dedicated unrar directory

Or is this already possible ?

Re: Deciphering The Status Column

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:33 am
by Quade
Anything is possible, it's just software.

In 6.60 I list the NZB Filename next to the download list item in order to try to help with obscure file identification. I just noticed that you lose the NZB Filename when you set "Show filenames". I'm going to fix that.

Problem with adding columns is simply finding space for them. The unrar path is probably more important than the download path so, maybe I should just show the unrar path if it exists instead of the download path for file types that have unrar paths.

Re: Deciphering The Status Column

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:55 am
by Downloadski
Changing the download path to the unrar path seems a very good idea. The download path is my SSD for downloading and there it is only temporary, and it seems fixed.