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How to download

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 1:55 pm
by koksy56

sorry for asking this general, stupid question, but I am quite new to this subject.

How can I see, that all parts are available? right click, properties?
If there are available, why does it often happened, that right at the end, the downloads stop? how can I find missing parts?

As I mentioned before, these are stupid, beginner questions, but please help me, or tell me where I can find more informations.

Thank you!

Re: How to download

PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 10:54 pm
by dexter
If it doesn't have an "I" to the left of the post then the server reported that all the headers are there. Unfortunately it does not guarantee you will be able to download the post if it was removed due to a DMCA takedown request. If you click the Logging tab and see any 430 errors while downloading then that's what happened. To save bandwidth, you could do a right-click and "Test Download Files". That will tell you if the parts are really on the server. If it succeeds then you can re-queue the post for download.