ijc-astra wrote:I`ve just rebuilt my PC and have reinstalled newsbin
the server info is correct but i now get the following message.
ERROR SocketAddress - Error: Unable to Convert Server Name to Internet Address:eu.news.astrasweb.com11001
astraweb, not
astrasweb... Check your spelling or preferably cut-n-paste from their members area and unless you have good reason not to, I do recommend using SSL (and the special SSL names). Normally the "general" form should select the correct server but there's also explicit US/Europe names you can use, here's the current list:
General Server:
news.astraweb.com Ports: 119, 23, 1818 or 8080
European Server:
eu.news.astraweb.com Ports: 119, 23, 1818 or 8080
US Server:
us.news.astraweb.com Ports: 119, 23, 1818 or 8080
Secure Server (SSL):
ssl.astraweb.com Ports 443 or 563
ssl-eu.astraweb.com Ports 443 or 563 (European)
ssl-us.astraweb.com Ports 443 or 563 (US)