dexter wrote:Yes, uninstalling decrements the use count. We also have a time element in the key usage algorithm to allow for system crashes and such when an uninstall is not an option. The whole key usage thing is really there to prevent abuse, we don't want it to hinder normal usage. If you ever get locked out, just contact us and let us know what happened and we will reset it.
Thank you greatly for the reply and help, worked out using this old message thread.
I think may be able to leave in place on current HD for now. Didnt' want to uninstall just in case i screw up something and then find after installing the SSD, the SSD doesn't work well on this old computer and i'm left setting up newsbin again on the old HD and maybe messed up settings (lol) i have copied off all newsbin config/data to external drive just in case. i tend to do a semi-annual backup of newsbin
I'm going to first try a clonezilla copy of OS drive to SSD,(if it boots) run for a few days, see how well it works; if not well I'll do a clean OS install..which I prefer, but have a few yrs of programs/setups installed i don't feel like dealing reinstall/setup unless I have to, lazy no. don't want to spend the time doing, yes)