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Many incompletes since verion 6

PostPosted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 3:00 pm
by Jwatkins
Since upgrading to version 6 (6.50: 00 36 11 29 6F 5A ) I get a ton of duplicate/incomplete headers. The ones marked with the small yellow triangle with the exclamation point in it. I do not recognize most of the files marked that way and I have tried many of them to find out that they are indeed incomplete. My news server is Easy News. I haven't seen this before. What can be the issue?
Thanks, Joe

Re: Many incompletes since verion 6

PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:30 pm
by Axthor

You aren't alone, I've seen the same for a few months now although I don't know when it started. If there is a .nzb file it will nicely fill in all the missing pieces. If I do a search at EasyNews and download a created .nzb file, it also will be successful.

I am running Windows 8.1 64 bit and NewsBin 64 bit 6.51B3 right now if that's a common piece. I have not mentioned it as a bug; you are the first I've seen that mentioned it so perhaps there is a V6 / EasyNews bug. I have also seen some (mainly mp3 files) that indicate they are complete but end up with one or more missing pieces but again, a .nzb will usually fill the holes.


Re: Many incompletes since verion 6

PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:41 pm
by Quade
Does it seem to be files that are 1/2 finished in one header download and never complete when you update the headers again? Or mostly complete but, are missing a couple posts?

I'm not seeing any usual incompletes downloading headers from AW but, as you said it might be some unexpected thing.

If my top sentence seems to be what you're seeing, go into the server options and try turning the overlap up to 500 and see what happens. It'll take a couple header downloads to matter and will only apply to new headers. If you want to try to fix existing headers, set a 10 day "Download Age" then right click the group "Post Storage/Use Download Age" then download headers. This will download the last 10 days worth and overlay them over the existing headers.

Re: Many incompletes since verion 6

PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:56 am
by Axthor
Quade wrote:If you want to try to fix existing headers, set a 10 day "Download Age" then right click the group "Post Storage/Use Download Age" then download headers. This will download the last 10 days worth and overlay them over the existing headers.

Hi Quade

I saw another reply you had made about this and tried it. It definitely helped quite a bit. I still did have a couple that showed complete but did have a missing piece; the .nzb fixed those easily although for a few years there was no need to bother with those ... something has changed, I think in 6.


Re: Many incompletes since verion 6

PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:36 am
by itimpi
It sounds as if the server is 'back-filling' headers. Technically this is against the NNTP spec, but severs have Ben known to do it.

A useful test would be to revert to an earlier Newsbin version and see if the problem goes away. That would at least give an indication of whether the issue is at the server end or the Newsbin end.

Re: Many incompletes since verion 6

PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:40 am
by Quade
I saw another reply you had made about this and tried it. It definitely helped quite a bit. I still did have a couple that showed complete but did have a missing piece; the .nzb fixed those easily although for a few years there was no need to bother with those ... something has changed, I think in 6.

It suggests you need more overlap. Try setting an overlap of 200 in the server options then watch it for a couple days. Some servers just aren't that synced so, you don't always get a solid block of headers. This really becomes apparent if you use automatic header download and download headers fairly often.

Re: Many incompletes since verion 6

PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:18 am
by Jwatkins
Quade wrote:Does it seem to be files that are 1/2 finished in one header download and never complete when you update the headers again? Or mostly complete but, are missing a couple posts?

What I am seeing, for the most part, is almost all of the headers are missing parts. They don't fill in with another download a few days later. I will try the overlap.

Re: Many incompletes since verion 6

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:49 pm
by Jwatkins
I tried the overlap and it seems to have made it a bit better, but there are still many, many in-completes. Any other suggestions?

Re: Many incompletes since verion 6

PostPosted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:58 pm
by Quade
I've been watching this here and using Astra, I'm not getting an unusual number of incompletes.

Just for grins, how about turning it way up. Say 5000 and see what happens?

Re: Many incompletes since verion 6

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:55 pm
by mazeppa
I was getting loads of incompletes on Easynews (and also getting the bogus max spool errors), but then noted that they have recently changed their servers. Updated my server info, purged all the headers I had and re-downloaded them. Now hardly any showing as incomplete. So probably worth a try.

Re: Many incompletes since verion 6

PostPosted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:08 pm
by Quade
Yeah can't hurt.

Re: Many incompletes since verion 6

PostPosted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:27 am
by Jwatkins
I will give tat a try.

Re: Many incompletes since verion 6

PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:44 pm
by Jwatkins
I tried the purge and it didn't help. Perhaps I am doing it wrong? Can someone give me the method?