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Sorting Downloaded Files

PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:20 pm
by rappleby
Version 6.5 Build 3126

I encountered some odd behaviour when trying to sort downloaded files in the File List window. If you click on the Filename header, the original filenames dissappear and the window displays a random number of filenames which have already been deleted. The list of original files which were displayed in the window are all gone. If you try to view any of the files displayed in the list, NB can't find the file (because it was deleted). If you select all and clear the window, no filenames are displayed but if you close NB and restart, the original files are all there again. Attempting to sort again will yield a completely different random set of deleted filenames.

Re: Sorting Downloaded Files

PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:50 pm
by Quade
I'll see if I can repro it. It might be a sign the downloaded.db3 file is damaged.