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Download - Bypass filters causes later downloads to pause.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:32 am
by CoolStream
There is a file (set of rars and pars) that I was interested in downloading using 6.50RC4. Although it had been only posted to usenet a few hours ago, it looks as if it has been already bombed because logging reports that the files can't be found on the servers I use. After download attempts had reached the maximum amount, the download was moved to Failed Files.

To try again, I restarted the download by R Clicking on the Failed Files and selecting 'Bypass filters'. I later added an NZB for a different download and let it run for a while. Checking later, I see that the second download remains paused because Newsbin is continuing to attempt to download the first fileset with no apparent limitation on the amount of attempts.

Was CTRL+Y the wrong choice to make and is there a better alternative? The logic I would like to use is for new downloads to be pushed to the top of the download queue and to take precedence over 'Bypass Filters' downloads. This should in theory allow newer downloads to start downloading automatically without the need for user intervention of the download queue.

Is this possible already and have I missed out a vital command/step in the procedure?

Re: Download - Bypass filters causes later downloads to paus

PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:37 am
by itimpi
If you hold down SHIFT when adding new items, they get added to the top of the queue rather than the bottom.

Re: Download - Bypass filters causes later downloads to paus

PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 11:01 am
by DThor
There was nothing really wrong with adding using Ctl-Y - all that says is to ignore any filters you may have configured and doesn't really affect the 'stuck' scenario. Under Options/Setup check the Retries entry - if this is set to something very high that means it keeps pushing and pushing for those missing files. Otherwise, itimpi is right, your new files can be added right at the top of the queue. In theory, though, the old download shouldn't be 'stuck' if your retries are set to something low(I have mine set to 1).

If itimpi's suggestion doesn't help, it suggests the connection to the server might have been stuck in some way - it can happen.