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How do I know it's working?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 12:11 am
by orygun
Today, after tagging a file to download (83 parts of a 8.8G file), I headed for the sunny trails and beaches. Upon return I found the file had stopped downloading but had not assembled. This, in part, was due to missing several bits (red) of many of the parts.

The program had not initiated any recovery (pars), so I did so myself- right-clicking and assembling incompletes after downloading one fairly large par file. After a bit, NB completed the recovery and delivered to me a complete file. :)

Now, I know that may times the poster fails in some little bit to do the right thing and NB gets confused; I have no problem with that; you guys have a marvelous program here and nit-picking it to death because of silly posters will probably get me booted back to a 9600 Baud modem.

A few times before, this has happened so I manually ran quickpar only to discover that NB was surreptitiously doing the same, so that I ended up with two completed files.

My question is this: Since NB will dig in and do its stuff, auto-par and all (most of the time), how does it tell me it is doing so? Are there any indications NB gives?

I launched task manager (Win7) and watched it work under the Applications tab, but NB showed it was using 191,124k of memory and only 01 to 02 in the CPU column while idle, and this didn't change at all while it quickpar'd and unrar'd this 8.8 gig file. (Dang. Forgot about the Performance Tab - didn't go to watch it spike).

Is it possible that I'm missing something? Or is it in the works to have a little blinking light telling us it's working on the file and that I should just sit my butt back down and wait?

Note: Under AutoPAR Options, only the Disable , Send Pars to Wish List, and Delete RAR.. to Recycle are unchecked. Under Performance, High, and the four boxes are unchecked. Whitebox AMD-6100 Six-Core Processor, 3.3GHz, 16Gb Ram, Win7-64

Re: How do I know it's working?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:35 am
by Quade
What version are you using?

How many retries do you have set?

Whitebox AMD-6100 Six-Core Processor, 3.3GHz, 16Gb Ram, Win7-64

This might be problematic. Dex and I are tracking weird issues with AMD machines. We can't really characterize it because we don't have AMD machines ourselves. There have been other reports though of the pars not unpausing automatically with AMD machines.

Normally I see a green progress bar on the download while Newsbin is unraring. Green for unrar and yellow for repair.

Re: How do I know it's working?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:25 am
by orygun
6.50B18 3071


This was one of three posts. First one worked fine (I was gone, done when returned, but left 31,594 files in chunk folder, not deleted when closed & opened NB, twice. Second and third posts didn't unrar/finish but left no chunks).

This is something I can live with-- just curious if there's some indication that it will-or-won't fix & unrar.

Re: How do I know it's working?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:32 am
by driverdude
The root problem (your RED PARTS) can be eliminated in recent years, by using a second or third usenet server supplier.

Consider bolstering your current provider with a european (Dutch perhaps) or Caribbean company. Some have over 5 years retention and WORK AMAZINGLY WELL. Or a trendy new "fill server" that works on mostly recent files.

Using gig and astra is insufficient to "avoid red parts" in 2013.

I know my remarks are not exactly related to your problem, but would avoid your problem from happening in the first place.

Re: How do I know it's working?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:32 am
by orygun
Years ago, before being forcefully and rudely retired (medical) and having my income reduced quickly and inelegantly, I had fill servers. Nowadays, AW is a value-packed bargin, and quickpar fixes the few problems, so the red parts don't bother me.

Re: How do I know it's working?

PostPosted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:39 am
by Quade
I had another report that the unrar progress bars don't always show. I'm looking into it.

Re: How do I know it's working?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 1:24 am
by orygun
Always nice to be part of a group :)
