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very strangeBehavior with files named 132128-0\132128-0 etc

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 6:25 pm
by mednzb
noticed many post are named stuff like 132128-0 if I run quick par during the download quickpar will renmae the files to that rar set. after the download is finished those rars change and become file type r36 etc when i was 36.rar i have never seen newsbin act like this before. I know i didn't explain This very well i hope you can understand what i am trying to explain

Re: very strangeBehavior with files named 132128-0\132128-0

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 6:29 pm
by itimpi
You will see this behaviour quite frequently now-a-days.

There is an increasing amount of material being posted with obfuscated names of this sort that later get renamed to the correct name by the PAR process. The purpose is (I believe) to make it harder for owners of copyright material to identify posts against which they can raise DCMA takedown requests.

Re: very strangeBehavior with files named 132128-0\132128-0

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:00 pm
by Quade
If you rename the files out from under Newsbin the download will fail. Newsbin will eventually rename them when it looks into repairing them.

It used to rename them as they downloaded but, this prevented you from resuming partial downloads so, I changed it to rename after the download completes and it's time to repair.